Problems with clam


New member
I am having a problem with my clam. It has snail like growths coming through the shell of the clam. These things cannot just be picked off. The look kind of like snails and move in and out when you go near them. Can you help me figure out what these are and how we can solve this. Thanks Ian
although there are many snails/gastropods (and more!) that harass or prey on Tridacnid clams... the most common variety perhaps are "Pyrams" (Pyramidellidae). Do some keyword searches for these creatures in our archives here and on other free-content websites like

The short story is that it ultimately takes diligent manual removal of these snails for some time to be sure... and it is critical to employ proper quarantine habits with all new organisms for the system to prevent the risk of such snails recurring or something even worse happening.

best of luck!

I have had these clams for over a year now. There have been no signs up until recently for these things. Should i just try to pry these things off of the clam? Thanks
even though you've had the clams for over a year, you may not have been properly quarantining all other new organisms you've added during that time (corals, LR/LS, fishes, snails, etc.). In fact, Pyram snails also prey on other snails... like Astraea/turbos!

Yet another example of how very critical it is to understand, appreciate an apply strict QT habits for all things wet coming into your aquarium. So many lives would be saved if we all did.

Pyrams are not quickly "fatal", but you do have a lot of work (many months) ahead of you screening for and picking off these tiny predators, if that's what they are.

And perhaps consider reading the QT article in this months issue of e-zine. Proper quarantine will help to insure that you succeed and enjoy your animals for many, many years!

with kind regards,

I used a screw driver to pry these things off of the clam. They were starting to calcify right onto the shell of the clam. They looked like worms inside the shell when I pried them off.
ah, much thanks Steve :) Flying by indeed some days :p

reeflover2 - they do sound like they could be serpulid worms or vermetid snails. Yikes! Please do not take a screwdriver to this or any animal(s) simply without a proper ID or the organism first. In the case of the aforementioned organisms, they are harmless or helpful to water quality... and harmless to the clam. The choice to kill them was, er... not in anyones best interest. Not even the clams (stress however small).

patience my friend... and no knee-jerk reactions :)
