Question about selling price


New member
So I have had this setup on here and Craigslist for awhile...

90 gallon glass tank
Wood stand and canopy with fan
20 long sump
Marineland led strip light

I've been asking $250 and i've gotten some bites but everyone seems to want either $200 or a skimmer and pump, am i being lowballed? The tank alone is about $200 brand new.
If you're asking $250, everyone is going to offer less, if you wanted $250, you should have asked more...
IMO $200 is not a bad offer
Hate to tell you, but you always lose your A$$ selling used aquarium equipment. I've sold several items over the past 4 years and rarely get anywhere near my asking price, and my equipment is always maintained and sold in very good condition. I think it's just the nature of the hobby.