Reefkeeping History

And I know that Shimeck is now persona non grata on this site, but putting aside the DSB debate, back then he was providing eye opening data (e.g.about what salt mixes claimed they contained vs. what was actually in them), analysis (e.g., pointing out that natural reefs were flourishing at temps well above what the recommended temps for reef tanks were back then), and spot on IDs of the various inverts popping up in posters' tanks.

I remember fishnet fondly. Whether he's persona non grata or not, I still use a RDSB based on Shimek's pamphlet and articles, and have had no reason to regret following his advice. Drama must have pre-dated my time her on RC.

Anyone happen to have a copy of the first issue of Aquarium frontiers. I've claimed to a buddy of mine that my name was cited in that issue, but I've lost the evidence. So, of course, he doesn't believe me (and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure it was AF).
I like to keep my library current.


Please look see my post to see if you may have my old articles??

'Nature's System of Keeping Marine Fishes' was the method name coined and written about by Lee Chin Eng of the Prinsen Park Aquarium, Jkarta, Indonesia. The actual method was developed in 1955 by Mr. Tan Soen Hway of Banguwangi, East Java

I remember it then and still run my reef somewhat Like Lee Chin Eng did, except for the natural sunlight and being on the waters edge in Jakarta. I was into this way before Fishnet but I do remember it