Royal Grammas - Round One - I think?


New member
When I got home from work today, one of my Royal Grammas (which have been displaying at each other for a week now) rarely leaves this one spot, and there is a strange white ball there that I haven't seen before.

Edgar...HELP! LOL I just want to know if this is indeed an egg ball, and need some experienced eyes to look at it. Not a great picture, but I'm hoping you can tell me one way or the other. I think I read that they should be pinkish, this one is off-white.

Thanks a bunch to anyone who can help me here...ED! :D

No, this would have more of a yellow-ish tinge if anything, dull white would be the best I could describe the color. I have some little ball sponges that periodically grow in my tank too, but they look more cotton-y (with the bluish tinge). I haven't seen one like this, I can see (naked eye) probably 100 or so individual smaller balls that make up the mass. They certainly LOOK like eggs, but maybe this is a sponge that I am not familiar with yet.

I didn't even notice that my clowns had spawned again today also...if these are eggs, there must have been a fish orgy while I was gone :D

Thanks Nicole, I wish I could get a better pic that showed the individual things that make up the ball. It's at a very akward angle though, it'll be my least favorite sponge if that is what it is ;)
The other thing that makes me think they are eggs, is that male is constantly near them, and sort of fans them like my clowns do. The strange part, which may very well discount my theory that they are eggs, is that this is not his normal cave. I've never seen him here before, and suddenly he's there all the time, paying particular attention to a new thing that wasn't there this morning, I don't think. The size is about like a dime.
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Actually quite similar to that, yes. So much for my optimism ;) It still seems to have more convex round bumps (yours appear from the pic to be concave) on the outside, and looks more solid (less stringy/fuzzy than your pic) but I'm starting to loose hope.

I did go back and review some video from 2 weeks ago, I was trying to catch my clowns spawning. It was not present then, do they grow that quickly?

I assume you have seen a Royal Gramma nest, what do they look like, so I can be more sure if it ever does happen.


I haven't seen a RG nest -- it was just that that sponge looked awfully familar! I don't know if mine grew fast... I just happened to notiec it one day.

I believe the bumps on mine are convex. At least it looks that way to me; I haven't touch it or anything.

Sorry to burst your bubble. I might be wrong. But maybe you are correct that you seeing broody behavior and he is preparing, or elese his eggs are tucked where you can't see them.

My assessors are also cave spawners, and while I am 99% sure they are spawning, I have never caught a glimpse of the eggs. My small male (?) disappears for several days at a time every few weeks.
Royal gramma eggs form a ball kind of similar to what you have pics of, BUT when just layed mine were bright bright pinky-red coloured, and as they develop 5-7 days they become clear with the eyes showing, exactly like a clown egg where all you can see it the reflective eyes.

Another dead giveaway for them breeding is the female she will be ripe with eggs for a good week during spawning. I picked mine by my female.

This was for Gramma brazilensis, not sur eif it makes a difference

Good Luck

They won't have their eggs in the open like that and it won't be such a big clump like that, fresh eggs will be salmon/pinkish, by the time they turn white like that you could see the eyes.

They lay eggs almost daily for a few days , laying small clumps of eggs. the best way is to use a larval snagger to catch the larvae.

Thanks everyone...I sure was hoping, but sort of knew it was too early for them to have spawned. At least I'll know what I am looking for next time.

Anyone want to buy a LOL
