Show Off your prop System!

10 months

10 months

march of this year...


cant believe its been only 10 months...
Show Off your prop System!

Why the very tall light hanger?

It was actually even taller than that, I've not bothered to adjust it any more. It's pretty tough metal and would require some serious cutting and drilling.

As I said, it's intended for hydroponics, hence the rail hight.
Hey reef,....very nice looking corals,....but do you have any pics of your set up,...the nuts and bolts,ie. the prop tanks, lighting, ect. is your set up stand alone or tied to your whole system. Thanks,---Rick

I'll snap some and post them along with some info on the systems :)

A few age sack I gave a rough spec list as well some older pics the systems are basically the same just expanded on:)