Skimmer Options

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The Shaman

Premium Member
Hi all,

I'm currently exploring my options on a skimmer for my 50g w/ 24g sump. Right now, I'm looking at four different models:
Big Mombassa
CPR SR-2 sump

This will be a reef setup. Do you have any opinions on the models I have listed here? TIA
Shaman--I have the Berlin on my 40, IMO it is a great skimmer: productive and quiet.
I used to have the SR-2, for a company like CPR it is a piece of junk, not worth the money.
I have no experience with the other two, but reports have been mixed--some flooding problems and not all that productive to pretty good.

Larry M

My Personal Site, Northern Reef

Have you had any trouble with the Berlin? I've ran across a few people who say that it is difficult to clean and that after about 1/2 a year of running, it stopped being as productive. Just curios as to your experince as these recent comments seem to run contradictory to what I have heard in the past.

I think the Berlin is pretty easy to clean. There are other skimmers easier, but IMO it is not difficult at all. Mind did slow down and stop skimming, cleaning the venturi (which took about 15 minutes) restored it to it's original glory.
I don't often hear of many complaints with the Berlin, in the two years I've been in the hobby it has gotten good reviews.

Larry M

My Personal Site, Northern Reef
Heres my take from running BB awhile and monitoring user feedback on several boards.
excaliber- insufficiant data
Mombossa- best choice when money aint there,
Marine concept HOT-1 is deluxe version, better built
SR-2 for a few $ more get an SR-4 whole different animal worth it supposedly
Berlin(red sea) most bashing from ownes of big ass skimmers, ETS,HSA, Lifereef etc. good choice for under 100g

I reefed,so I spent,it would have been cheaper to do it right the first time.........Doug@thereeftank
Go for the Precision Marine HOT-1,...or if you can afford it..any Lifereef.
The Lifereef costs a bit more, but consider it money saved from buying junk skimmer after junk skimmer. Especially if you plan to get a larger tank in the future. I'm running the Lifereef HVS2-24, and I couldn't be any happier.


I went through the same delimma and finally decided on the sr4. am completly new to this hobby and had to install my skimmer in an unconventional fashion. have recently added live rock and my skimmer is pulling out dark tan stankin' gunk. pleased with the product and cpr has a message board similar to this one and answer any questions you may have in a matter of a few hours.
I own a hsa 1000, cpr sr6, rsb hang on, and rsb xl. I really dont like the sr6, I really like both the XL and hang on red sea berlin's. Currently I have the hang on, on my son's 29g. Great skimmer, easy to clean, the whole thing comes appart except for the very bottom piece of acylic, anybody know if that comes out? I love them and ran my wifes 90g fowlr with the hang on before we tore it down, great skimmer. L8r mega

Yup, new url, finally thumbnail index html's on the folders
Another new toy, gotta love reefcams
I was going to get the HOT 1 but heard that the knop skims about the same amount so I went with the knop HOB. (I don't have a sump.) The thing skims fine but it has overflowed 3 times, Once with the rio 800, then with the maxijet 1200 ( and it didn't skim very well at all with the maxi jet.), and again with the rio 800. I've owned this thing for about 3 weeks and I do not trust it at all.
I think my next skimmer will be a turbofloter.

See my tank at
I've had my RSB-HO for about 5 years and have been pleased with its ease of opp./performance.As for as cleaning it,the easiest way for me is to spray out any thing that has settled inside with either a kitchen dish sprayer or the trusty ol water hose.Take out both center tubes,wash with vinegar,then pour skimmer 1/3 full of vinegar,let it sit over night,then rince very thoroughly.HTHS
Thanks for all the suggestions/advice guys. According to what I've heard here and searches elsewhere, it looks like the Berlin is what I'll need.
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