Solvent Free Adhesive


New member
Hi, I need an adhesive for my rock aquascape. Spray foam for insulation has been advised but I found Pattex One For All Crystal glue which is solvent free. I am asking thic, can we use this because of being solvent free? Does solvent free mean it is good to go with?
In German language,

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Pattex One For All Crystal is a high-quality combination of an assembly adhesive and a joint sealant for crystal clear results in all applications.

For all materials * and substrates. FlexTec® Polymer is a patented technology from Henkel for permanently flexible yet powerful bonds.

All gluing, all the sealing
All materials *
High temperature resistance: -30 ° C to + 70 ° C
Strong adhesion
High UV resistance
water resistant
gap filling
No shrinkage
high elasticity
* Not suitable for PE, PP, PTFE, acrylic, copper, brass and soft PVC.