Starting up my JBJ 12g Nano Cube again

Thanks..... I made a command decision and decided to move the zoo colony to my 150gal tank.... After washing the zoo's off in fresh SW... I also moved the mushroom rock to help in cleaning the glass better in the tank... I'll post updated pics' later in the day....

Here are the updated shots of how the tank looks now.....




Several more shots.....

The Fire Shrimp has molted twice since adding him to the tank... Very healthys and loves his brine shrimp and plankton in the







I'm not sure what this is but I took a few photos in hopes that someone can ID this.... Some history first: The other day while sitting in front of my Nano Cube, I caught sight of a strange "puff" of what looked like white smoke come from the back of the tank behind some LR.... I could not see what was doing it because everytime it puffed was when my Hydor was rotating around causing the water surface ripple.... ANYWAY, I finally caught site of what it was... Quite simply it was on top of the LR right in plain view... It looks like a snail of some sort?? It's conicle shaped and the reason I believe it's a snail is because it is mobile ... It "puffed" about every 15 seconds or so.... The pictures should be good enough .... The "critter" is just to the left of the button polyps that are in the picture and slightly below and left of the tubeworm tube and right of the hermit crab ( the snail shell in the pic ).... Here goes




I want to know if it's good,bad and what it is.....( PLEASE )

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MAN...!!! I did not know how long it had been since I posted to this thread.... BUT.... I've got something new that I added to this tank and had to "show it off " ... I finally got a Rainsford Goby....:D So with out further tadoo.....





And before I forget, I got the critter that I'd posted about earlier that was "puffing smoke " in this tank .... Is it a good thing or a bad thing...???


Thanks guys.... I think the key to the tanks success "this time" has been that I've not gone nuts adding stuff and have let the tank "mature"..... The Goby is the only critter that I've added to this tank in months.... He's sharing the tank with a Blood Red Shrimp, two astria snails and a skarlet hermit crab and that's it...

As for the mystery snail..?? Marc ( melev ) told me that it looked like a welk ( bad news ) so I flushed it:D .... I know I've also got a bristle worm in there somewhere cause I've seen it but I don't think it's a bad one.... Besides, I'm not tearing the tank apart to find it and it's been in there for months......

I may add some more zoo's to the tank eventually but right now I'm enjoying watching the Goby go through the sand and rock in search of food ( which this tank is loaded with pods ) .....

Hey Bob, just wanted to say that I agree with your decision not to go after that bristleworm. If you've seen 1, it means you probably have many, as they're very reproductive. If it was a bad one it would have a very different appearance than the ones you typically see in our captive systems. Also, you'd be missing polyps left & right. You'd definitely know it was the bad type by now.

The tank is looking great!
Thank you Wendy..... The tank is dominated by shrooms and polyps and all are doing fine so you're right, it's got to be a benine worm.....:)
