Taking Down My Tank, Need to Sell Everything Quickly


New member
I am moving abroad and I need to take down my tank down and sell everything very cheap. It's been running for almost 4 years.

I have roughly 20 corals (many very large), live rocks, couple clown fish, and a few inverts.

A large box of dry goods, heaters, circulations pumps, test kits, additives, LED PAR 38 lights, etc.

And, the tank itself which is a custom built with low-iron 1/4 glass - 10", 10" x 48"...cost nearly $300 new.

Call me if you are interested, 334-707-2835. - Auburn, AL.
$300 can take it all. Just the lights or the thank alone are worth $300.

If you want just certain corals or pieces, call me, come over and we'll work out a price.
Sure, call me (334-707-2835) and I'll tell/show you everything. But just as starters...

2 SICCE circulation pumps
2 cobalt heater
2 Hana Digital Dest kits Alk/Calcium
3 PAR 38 white/blue blulbs - 12 CRE LEDs in each
Custom Low-iron 1/2 glass tank
Ehops Fish Feeder
Ehops Auto topoff Box
Bunch of Red Sea Test Kits
and so on...