Tallahassee area tank gallery


New member
To spark a little life in the North Florida Marine Society forum let’s see those reef tanks! Post some pics of your set-ups and list what equipment you are using. No tank too small, let’s see those college dorm room nanos too.


This is my recently set-up 90G the coral is still pretty sparse but I'm getting what I can when I have $ to spend on it.

Lighting: Currently running a 4 bulb T5 Tek retro with IceCap reflectors, Front to back ATI blue+, UVL Actinic, GE 6500k (will probably replace with another bulb soon), ATI blue+

Skimmer: Hopefully the MSX 160 will be here in another couple of days.

Supplements: Dose two part


This is my 20H that's been up and running in various places for the past 4 years or so. Some of the coral was moved over to the 90 when I set that up.

Lighting: 120 PC - two 50/50 bulbs

Skimmer: ASM mini-G with mesh mod

Supplementation: Just water changes