Tank of the Month - January 2008

First reef tank i saw supporting a longnose filefish (oxymonacanthus longirostris) on sps, man there stunning fish.
)<((("> NICE
Congrats, its a beautiful and amazing system.

May I ask more about the book you mentioned? I'm curious as to when you think it may be released.
oh man, i didnt know that a tank this good was local to me! when i was looking through this i kept thinking "dam those guys in CA have it good", then i saw the reference to TCMAS at the bottom and recognized the name!

cant wait to see this tank in person!
That is the very best looking tank I have ever seen!

Truly inspirational aquascaping!

I will dream of this tank tonight! :) :D

Congratulations and thank you for sharing
Stan your tank is just amazing. I am truly inspiered from your efforts and can fully appreciate your family's patients. The children are beautiful. Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment!
Wow! Leaves me almost speachless. I love your setup and its an inspiration to all of us. I can't wait to read your book and am looking forward to my upgrade more than ever! Congrats!
Stan, beautiful tank still, well that is an understatement, but it was 2 years ago since I have seen it personally, and it is truly amazing! I remember standing near the right, just lost in the moment, then seeing a blue ray come out (do you still have it?) and I think I had a tear, because nature is trully recreated with your work!

that is one heck of a tank. amazing! I just want to know what the electric bill is on that thing. 14 halides. wow!
Yes i am also interested in how many Kilowatt hours your system uses per month, i have been pondering a large setup for a while now, but have no idea what the running power cost would be on one of these guys. Absolutely inspirational and beautiful tank. That skimmer is on some major steroids.
Holly *^#$ nice tank.....and a 2400 sq foot addition to house it...ummm did you mention that you did not have alot of money?? hehe.
When I think of what type of tank I'd like to keep when I settle down in the house of my dreams... That's the tank that pops into my mind. It's so gorgeous and the ratio of coral types works perfectly. I've never even seen Snowcap Clownfish! That's incredible! :D
Is that the same dark hybrid looking tang that was for sale at Live Aquaria for a month or so a while back? And I also see that big red carpet. :) Was that the one for $800? :) :) There was a post on RC about it and maybe this is where it went. Just curious if you are a LA client.