Tank of the Month - November 2007

Whats blows me away with TOTM's is that you think after seeing that months tank, there is no way it can get any better. And not that the next months is any better "wrong choice of words" just different. This tank is proof of that, builder knew what he wanted from his perspective on reefing and took it to another level and it works perfect.
Wow ! Thanks All ! :D

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11122673#post11122673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eddybabyhd
absolutly awesome, I am building a plywood tank as we speak, and would love to see a build thread if you have one. Thanks

eddybabyhd , The link skipper provided could answer a few questions you may have im sure.
If you have more, Fire away !

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11123395#post11123395 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jaydub74
Excellent tank, would you be able to provide details on how you attached the rock to the PVC frame. It looks excellent.

Jaydub, The rocks were drilled in several areas and then fastened with zipties, a whooole lotta them :)
The tabs mounted during building were criticle for support without using rock.
Again there is some info in the link provided.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11123521#post11123521 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by myusername
Grate looking setup.
I would love to see more info on how you built the tank and skimmer. And if you built any thing else. It’s grate to see someone save some money in this hobby. I like how you set up your lights also. I pland to do something like that when I get my next Tank. and I wish you lived nearby, so you could show me how to save some money in this hobby.
Best of luck if the future.

Myusername, I almost begin to think i didnt save a dime, because i had to build the projects 3 times to get what i wanted. :D
Or at the very least re-do the same one 3 times....lol.
I lost the pics of how the glass was laid into place, but i vaugely rememeber 7 tubes of caulking, finger squashing and more than a little cussin.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11124649#post11124649 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rjrobert
Outstanding - Congratulations.

If that girl ever goes missing the first place the police need to look is inside your skimmer :)

rjrobert, naw, the "X" is occupying it right now. :p

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11124806#post11124806 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Waxxiemann
Awesome tank, I can only dream that my signifigant other would allow me to keep a tank that big =)

Waxxiemann, Please see above. :D.

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Hey Marc,

Very very nice tank....you did a superb job. I really love the aquascaping you worked there.

Very nice indeed.

I saw your thread a while past and stopped in from time to time. Very well deserved TOTM.

Hey Marc,

Very cool aquascaping. I too love the open look! A couple questions... Could you explain in a little more detail your maintainance regimen for the sand? I read in the TOTM writeup that you clean it once a month. How do you keep from sucking up all the sand? Also, whenever I've tried replacing sand in my tank, it looks like a cloud for a few hours. Does this happen to you?


I've been following your build threads for a while on two different sites, and have always been blown away by your skills. Congrats on TOTM! It is very well-deserved.
Fudge, what's the deal with the trigger in your hand? Is that during feeding? Or does it just like to swim in your hand and get the squeeze?
Awesome tank Bro! What did you do with your old skimmers? Wouldn't mind having one fo those. Much props to ya man.

I'm rather new to the hobby...at least the saltwater aspect of it, just starting in June but freshwater since about 2003. Anyways, am wanting to build an in-wall (currently using 55 gallon) after I think I've got a good knowledgebase....But, I just wanted to say I LOVE the plywood idea since in-wall it does not really matter that the rest of the walls are not clear. I've got one question, how thick is the front acrylic? GREAT TANK MARC!
Great Tank Marc. I am more impressed with all the DIY hard work you have put into it. "Where there is a will, there is a way".
That tank is inspiring! Please, if you could, please explain how you did the rock on the PVC frame. I know several others have asked so please add me to the list!
WOW!!! That is one of the most incredible tanks I think I have ever seen. Can you post the link to your build thread for me I would love to read thourgh it and see how you built the tank!

I really like the way you did the wall around the tank, the viewable area what ever you want to call it. That really looks amazing!

Thanks for sharing your tank! It is an inspiration!
Id have to say out of the many amazing aquariums ive seen on here this one is up there in the ranks. Love the oval shaped wall view, gives it a very professional artistic feel.
Amazing colors! Looks like a display that should be in a museum!!Congratulations-well deserved!!


An amazing total set up Marc. Many of can only dream of having DIY skills like that. :) Congrats on your beautiful aquarium and its choice as TOTM.

Great write up & photo work also.