Tank of the Month - October 2004

Congrats on being picked for tank of the month! Your aquascaping is fantastic! One of the niceist tanks I have ever seen.
Tank of the Month

Tank of the Month

Awsome, awsome tank John! :smokin:

Your tank is an inspiration to the one I'm settin up now!
(A 150 gal SPS tank.)

Congradulations!!!! ;)
I will John. I've got to get my live rock, I have two rocks from
Garf in there now, and the canopy needs to be built, which the
canopy will be done at the end of next week. This is slow going
because of the budget. :sad2:

Talk to ya soon!!

Shhweeet tank!!!

Now I know exactly what to do with my current undrilled 110 gallon tank when I eventually move and get to set up my 180RR.

Thank You.......

Beach Native,

Thanks, I am glad I could help you..:D


Thank You,

But I really do think there are many that are far superior to mine........
sensational tank.. really inspiring.. would love to find out a bit more about your plumbing layout and which macro algae you have in the fuge..

Thank you,

Macro algeas are as follows, mexicana, grape and some very little bit of chaeto........

What are you needing to know about the plumbing........
Send a pm if you 'd like......

Amazing setup! I'm curious about the dreaded "red bugs"... What are they and do you have any pics?

Thank You, The bugs from what I understand are some sort of mite, do a search on them here at RC, you should find out more than you want to know....


Thanks, but really, I have seen so many spectacular systems here, TOTM,and otherwise, that I really do not feel mine is worthy......
But you can never turn down such an honor.......


Your tank looks great! I would like your opinion on the Majestic angel. I have a 180gallon softie reef tank. It has a powder blue, purple tang, two yellow tangs, a large Moorish Idol and some other smaller fish. I wanted to try a small adult majestic into the mix. Right now the powder blue is the boss, what a surprise. Would you try it?
Thanks Ben,

The angel was a tough choice for me to make, I knew it would bit hit or miss, wen I took the chance I felt that the beauty of these fish was worth the risk. I felt that I could provide a good environment for it , but was not fully confident that it would not wreck havoc on my inhabitants.

That said, I do not regret now that it is in there, but, it is a personal choice that has to be made, my guess would be that with all those softies, it may take a real liking to your corals...

The powder blue may cause issues also, I know how bad they can be once they are boss,the angel may not have a chance.........
Ann Arbor Budding Reefer

Ann Arbor Budding Reefer

First off, your tank is awesome! Secondly, I was wondering if you would be OK with corresponding through e-mail... As you probably know, the shops around here aren't very helpful (read: suck) and I am kind of wandering in the dark...

P.S. Tropicorium is pretty cool...my e-mail is dcoen@emu.edu

Thanks, Don