Tank of the Month - September 2009

Congrates, my countryman!

Congrates, my countryman!

Hi, Haiwei, Congrats!, I am very proud that you are first chinese to be elected to the month of tank.

I have been in hobby about three yesrs, reef for 1 year. I got 300g (72 x 30 x 27) and just set up recently. I am planing to have SPS dominant tank. I know you have some soft corals. People says soft corals might inhibit growth of SPS, would you have any suggestions about this topic?

Again Congrats

Ming Xu
Great job, Welles! You've gotta love what those VHO actinics can do, I think it's a prefect blend of coloration! I'm sure those LED's add a lot of pop as well!
First Congrats.
Second the thread says 210 gallon but the measurements gave are 80" X 28" X 28" which is 270 gallons.
Beautiful Tank none the less.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15646976#post15646976 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lunar
To naprawdê wspania³e zbiornika, dok³adnie to, co lubiê. Gratulacje!


Sorry :p
It's really wonderful tank, exactly what I like. Congratulations!!!
Thanks everyone :)

to TRITON1: I want to try acrylic for its better transparency, sorry I have not more info on the stands construction, a local vendor do it for me.

to plancton: It is hard to find good ultra white glass in Beijing, so I want to try acrylic for better transparency, I am also worring about the problem of acrylic as you mentioned, but I want to try it anyway :)

to kvmn: the sump is 60"x 20"x20" in dimension but the water level is very shallow. First section is about 28" long for skimmer and other equipment, second section is about 20" long for refugium(In fact the alage in refugium is growing very slow now.), third section is about 12" long for return pump.

to mingxu: I think most of LPS and soft coral could be well with SPS, but I will be care of mushroom and leather coral.

to Jeremy B.:Thanks, I am also considering add more VHO light:)

to andrewk529: I use these to build a small section in refugium, the new fish will be put in this section for a while to accept food.

to bogg: it is soft drain pipes connected with PVC drain pipes from main tank.

to Demonic: the water level of main tank is only about 24"

to chingchai: here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6FDNfLDIEY , but I could not access YouTube from China now, so I could not reply comments :-(
Very nice... Congrats! I love the stag/tort island(s) on the right. Excellent coral placement/planning!
Very nice setup you have going on!
ANybody know what the names of the blues SPS in the tank are called?