Tank Tear Down

Hey everyone. I got good news and bad news and more good news. Good news is that I am PCSing outta Alamo. Bad news is I have to tear down my tank that I finally got stabilized but only (other good news) so I can start by 240g in wall tank at my new house. Any who if anyone is interested in some of my fish or the tank let me know and we can talk prices.
Let me try to get a list together...Ray is taking some of it for some really nice sized base rock for my 300 gallon... I can list the livestock out right quick though...

1 Blue Tang
3 Occellaris Clowns
3 Pajama Cards
1 Yellow Damsel
1 Fire Fish
1 Lawn Mower
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Approx 20 emeralds
approx 10 blue hermits
1 unknown large snail
1 fighting conch