The Measure of Success

Hi Sandra,

I just wanted to say I really liked your article. That really got me thinking!

I, for one am thrilled to see someone who feels the same why I do. I've said those same things (although not so eloquently), and received more than a bit of backlash from it. :) Thanks for voicing an honest, common sense opinion.

OK Sandra we want specifics on your system...

OK Sandra we want specifics on your system...

How do you do it?
Interesting article, I enjoyed reading it. Sorta reinforced my belief that everybody, and yet nobody, is an expert in this hobby.
and alot of us are different in our hobby, and there is room for all of us...except the neglectful ones....coral reefs are precious, just like the jungles, it is worth "exploiting" for science, but not just for trophy hunting
Sandy Shoup:

thanks for one of the more eloquent, positive, and well reasoned op/ed pieces on the hobby i've read since gettin my feet wet many years ago

a very enjoyable read:beer: