Thinking about starting again!

Agreed. I had a 5 gallon bucket (open top) freeze this year and it cracked all the way down
Well bad news on the tideline with this shop. They charge a flat rate shipping to encourage shops to stock some tanks, but the shipping is cost prohibitive for one smallish tank. So $500 tank was gonna have $250 for shipping. I’m leaning towards modifying my stand (need to add depth for dims) and biting the bullet for the Waterbox AIO 50. This eliminates the weird tideline return nozzle and I know my skimmer will fit. Also “get to buy” 🤦🏻‍♂️ return pump and do it right the first time instead of replacing a stock pump down the line. Close to convincing myself on the Waterbox.
I may call some not so local shops tomorrow just to see if they happen to stock the tideline tanks. But I’m leaning towards the Waterbox for now. Looks like it would be at least May before the Waterbox gets here if I order soon, it’s on back order. Give me time to figure out my ro situation. Will use the opportunity to plan this thing to death. Bothering you all and my lfs frequently along the way 😝
Waterbox is a great brand too. Haven’t seen many complaints at all.

I think the wierd return nozzle on the Tideline is their version of the Vivid RFG. I may be wrong, but I believe it can be replaced with a standard nozzle.
Waterbox is a great brand too. Haven’t seen many complaints at all.

I think the wierd return nozzle on the Tideline is their version of the Vivid RFG. I may be wrong, but I believe it can be replaced with a standard nozzle.
Gotya without having hands on hard to tell but there’s a guy selling 3d printed adapters for changing their rotating nozzle to standard loc line.
I think Waterbox must have the highest quality control. Can’t find many/any complaints and they seem to be popular. But man for a 50 gallon tank only it’s a little hard to stomach $1k unless I convince myself. I know for sure I can’t do another standard 40 breeder or I’ll be wishing for something nicer. This happened last time.
Yeah I wonder what the freight is on the IM? Tank is definitely cool and I like the added depth, also like that it comes with pumps and a caddy but it’s in my living space and people say those mighty jet pumps are noisy in reviews. I called a few shops and gonna get a quote from another across town local store for the tideline 47. I’m really quite fond of my stand and not looking to replace. I’m doubting the modular stand look will get approval from the boss decor wise. I’ll float the idea and see if she likes the stand…
Yeah I see that now. That seems about standard. And Waterbox is definitely wrapping shipping into their price for the tank only. It looks like the lagoon 47 may still be in the lead despite $250 shipping.
Another update I see Planet is doing a 15% off sale starting tomorrow. This will help offset the shipping cost if the lfs will honor the sale.
If the LFS values a customer, I’d guess they would honor it without issue. Not sure if planet is a MAP product or not, but really shouldn’t make a difference
I ordered the tank. Starting my build on R2R due to AIO section. Also seems more active ✌️
So, this tank never came in. My LFS got an Infinia Frag 125.4 from water box today and I snapped it up. Tideline was obtuse. Gave hard dates for shipment and the tank never came. Longer I waited the more I wanted a bigger tank and sump. Pretty sure tideline will be out of business in 3-5 years treating customers and fish stores like this. They never picked up the phone never answered emails when they did pick up the phone for LFS it was just customer service no one who actually knew what was up. Scared me shitless if I ever need a warranty claim. When they did pickup they made up ship dates that were two weeks out and the tank never came. Order cancelled. I was patient I feel, tank ordered and paid for 4/4, not custom. I don’t believe it was ever coming unless my LFS placed a larger order or hounded them harder. They said the LFS was in the route but the truck never came.
Think this is gonna work out perfect 👌🏻
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