Too many livestock,please help

I think a few drop isn't enough to kill the entire nitrification bateria anyway. Ammonia is very harmful to fish. I am only trying to remove the ammonia spikes, the fish wastes are still in the tank, breaking down and converting to ammonia all the time.

Sure, water change is also a good ideal.
Thanks dcho i just didn't want raypadro to get the wrong idea about adding conditioners while the tank is still cycling.

And yes a few drops is fine to reduce dangerous levles of ammonia. But personally i wouldn't use it all the time, for the sole reason that why cover up the problem when there are other ways of elimating ammonia.

I do understand you point of trying to remove the ammonia spikes, quick and easy.
<--- I'm against using that type of chemical also...

water changes will do the same thing... slower, yes. BUT that many fish in that 'small' of a tank is not a good thing in the first place, IMO. he'd be adding that stuff constantly, really...

I do use a water conditioner of sorts... but not to get rid of something that a water change would do. I use it to get rid of the crud in my water change!! (funny, huh) so I suppose I'm adding just as much stuff to my tank, oh well?

I'm glad that the tank seems to have leveled out, but I still think that your going to be spiking higher than you are, and may want to test with someone elses test kit, just incase yours is off.

I guess we'll see how it goes, I'm just babbling right now
Thanks,Swanwillow,Skepperz and Dchao.

I test again today with another test kit and everything seems to be the same.

amonia 0-.10
PH 8.1-8.3
nitrite 0-.10
nitrate 10
salinity .024
calcium 260

I make another small water change today(just in case)but seems to be doing fine itself.Thanks for your help.I buy the product that
Dchao recomends but I'll keep it just in case I see a spike in the levels and I can't make a water change right away.

sounds better than oh my god whats happening-

bow we all just have to start another thread, where we all get along