update and a Thank You


New member
I want to Thank all for there concern and blessings and sorry that I could not get bact to anyone sooner I am home from the hospital cancer surgery,but they found even more cancer,so they just put me back togather and sent me home. I will be home recovering ,it will be over 8 weeks before I lift over 5# and complete recovery in about 6-8 months I do now have new MH lights in my tank and putting new corals of a wide color varrity making it more fasenating for me watch If you have xetra or to sell pm me but anything would have to be delevered to me in Alameda(many have already been here) Again I thank you all and wish this up date could have been on a possitive note John

Glad to hear you're back home.

When I get back from Tahoe, I can bring over some of those clean up critters we talked about and anything else you might need.

How is the Dendro doing?

Get well soon.

Hey John,

I am glad you are doing good and from my understanding that you are going to make a good full recovery?

You have been missed and thought about by many :D

Wish you the best Sir!
hi john, glad you're doing well.

I'll come by with a couple frags too when I goto alameda =)


I have 25 Scarlet Hermits from the group buy at Crazy Reefers house in Walnut Creek. If anyone can pick up for me I can give you a few of them. I am now taking my computer into the shop(not sure how long to fix it) I am home all day anyone can call and leave me a mesage we can make arrangements 510 7490258 Thank You John