uv on reef?

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New member
i was thinking of getting a UV for my 250 soon-to-be-reef.i would like your input on doing this, is this a good idea of not.

thanks solos and have a good day.

reefers do it better
I would reccomend against getting a UV for your reef tank. It will kill all the plankton that is present in the water column and I believe that most corals will do better with more natural water conditions. The only use that I can see for UV steralizer is in quarentine tanks becuase after that why should we be so worried about removing things from the water column.
Scott Chase
I use UV on my reef. Everything is thriving. The biggest benefit I see is a slight reduction in algea. I used to have to clean the glass every three days, now it's every 5 or 6 days. If you use UV, cut the manufactures suggested flow rate in half and that should be your max flow rate.

Bob's Rocky Reef
I have to agree with scchase and Fox. You do not want to kill the plankton that is so benificial for your tank by irradiating them with UV. It may help control undesirable algae to some extent-but so will snails and probably to a greater efficiency. If you do run it-plan on a large lag phase at getting coraline algae growth.

i was thinking of a 25 watt uv, and using it 1-2 hours a day at a low gph like 100-150gph.
i found a used uv for 40.00 and dont want to let this deal pass me up.

thanks guys

reefers do it better
If it is only $40 then it is a good deal and you may not want to pass it up. Running it for 1-2h a day however does not do you much good (especially on a 250). A 25W at 150 gph should produce a 100% kill curve on on single pass for parasites, algae, bacteria, benificial plankton, etc., but I truly do not see a point of running it a couple of hours a day. The UV bulb also is not a bulb that can take many cold starts and the effective life (which is short anyway) will be greatly reduced. As I said I have a UV filter and choose to run it if and only if something doesn't go right or seem right. It has saved me a few times however and I do keep it as a weapon in my arsenal.

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