Very mad


New member
I would like to know if anyone would like a Skunk Cleaner shrimp. The reason is that my gf bought be 2 fish for xmas and he as eaten one of them. The reason i know this is he is the only thing in the tank that could kill my fish. It was in there last night and now its GONE so if you would like a Cleaner Shrimp please let me know otherwise he will probably go to the LFS.
Where are 'ya? Be happy to give you a frag or something for it if you aren't to far out. Or, come see the tank and have a beer. Cheers and happy and safe new year to everyone. John
I live in troy grove its about 8 min from eddies pet shop and if u want i could come your way if u would like my tank is nothing special
No worries, great to meet you! When you get your lights back up, we'll frag 'ya up some more. Kevin's 220 is pretty nice, 'eh. Jimmy's is just as nice. Thanks for the killer shrimp! John
np tomarrow im going to go down to spring field electric and see how much a ballast cost so hopfully i will be all good. it was amazing i forgot i didnt have anything to attach the corals with but i didnt need to worrie about the leather its already found its home in the middle of my tank its great.