What Correction Is Needed?


New member
Hi there Randy. Still learning this ALK CALK thing. On January 8th I tested Alkalinity at 3.54 meq/l. The Calcium tested at 430.

I had to leave town on business for a week and when I returned today I tested again.

The measures this time are Alkalinity 2.51 meq/l and the Calcium is 400.

What would be the proper dosing using your 2 part formula? Do I dose the same of both ingredients or just the alkalinity part?

Do I just put in the current reading of each into the calculator and add that amount of each or do I just add the alkalinity?

My goal is to keep the Calcium around 430 and whatever the corresponding balanced amount of Alkalinity should be.


The best way to determine the dose is by trial and error. But with the tank where it is now, it is fine to use the calculator to determine the dose necessary to get to whatever your alkalinity target is, and then dose equal parts to match that. Dose the calcium, but don't make constant corrections to it. It will follow along just fine.