What kind of media for a Ca reactor would you recommend, or have you used with sucess


Active member
I have a 90G reef and so I will not be using large quantities of media-hence price is not so important as performance. On the other hand a cheap alternative is never a bad thing!!!

Just thought I would try to tap your knowledge as this will be my first reactor.

Loved your book by the way



There has been a lot of comparative studies done on reactor media and yet none stand out far and away as definitive.

You will hear aquarists that rave about using 2B grade limestone chips from their driveway (!) and others insisting on top-shelf aquarium brand products. Similarly, arguments about grain size abound as well.

Since you will want to change your media several times a year... I'd suggest you experiment to find which suits you best.

For what its worth... I currently use and enjoy a course grade of Knop media.

Coarse may be better for larger reactors.

Thanks for the kudos on my book. I am sincerely glad that you have enjoyed it.

My apologies as well about the delay in response... I have been travelling heavily as of late.

Best regards,

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