whats wrong with my fish

whats your water params? how long did it take to get that way? can you post a full tank shot? it looks like the color is flakeing off him....do you have a q tank?
um the pH is 7.8, the nitrate level is somewhre between 10 and 20 ppm and the ammonia and nitrite are both stable at around 0, i feed the fish veggie flakes once a day ... thats about it
This could be several things..

One, Blue tangs (regal tangs, blue hippos, whatever you want to call them) are omnivours, not herbavours. You should be giving him a little bit of mysis shrimp and green nori. You also need to vary his diet. Don't always feed him the same thing.. This could be the cause.

How big is the tank? If it is under 55gal your tank is way to small and you could be stressing him out. If it is between 55-75 gal tank size is questionable.. This could be the cause..

Do you have any electrical leaks? I have seen fish get burnt from electrical leaks before.. This could be the cause..

What temp is your tank? Has your heater ever stuck on? Once, again your fish may have been burnt..

Hope this helps some.. If I can help any more just let me know...
how old is the fish? what size tank is he in? what other fish are in the tank? how old is the tank?

does he still have scales in the bare areas? or is it scale=less?
you P h is too low it needs to be 8.3 lower than 8.0 is harmful. Does he have aggressive tank mates and is you temp staying in range. how is his diet
Heres some help buddy, vary the diet since it looks like a little hlle possibly some malnutrition. They are sensitive fish
