Wow! LFS store

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6793481#post6793481 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by poknsnok
fish and other ichthy stuff... the only bad about the place is the name

Oldsmar, 813-891-4291

comon its not THAT bad of a name. when i first saw it however i had to look up the word ichthy lol. I may be dumb for not knowing what it meant but atleast now i'm a bit smarter because of it. I never even met john at the time and he was already teaching me something haha
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6793481#post6793481 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by poknsnok
fish and other ichthy stuff... the only bad about the place is the name

Oldsmar, 813-891-4291

Is this the John the everyone is talking about? And is this his store?
... .. to my wife and dauhter its just itchy stuff.. they dont think its that clever. I was a wannabe "icthy man" as a kid and have always had fish
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6794059#post6794059 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcegelsk
Is this the John the everyone is talking about? And is this his store?

yes. take a trip you will enjoy it. just dont put your hands near his mouth. i hear he bites lol
Oh, I've been there...just didn't know the guys name and had heard about a John in the area. I like the store and have been in there several times. Excellent selection of fish and corals. I bought a hammerhead from the place last week.
his wife (?) is nice.

seriously i have never seen the dark half. its like the chupacabra. never seen it. Im from Miami originally, winter home of the chupa, and never been in a store as clean and full of stock as consistently healthy as john's. and no Im not looking for a discount on my next lighting or tunze buy. his place is absolutely without a doubt the finest I have been in.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6768632#post6768632 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cgries
... You have to have a good eye to recongize them (rare livestock and corals), it kinda like art..

What's the point in having something rare, if you can't recognize it imediately as being rare?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6834034#post6834034 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by michindi
I might have to check out faois. Too bad its so far away..

next time I go we can carpool ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6834290#post6834290 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by college429
What's the point in having something rare, if you can't recognize it imediately as being rare?

Ehhh... there are weird subcategories of geekdom even in a hobby like this. I have "rare" clove polyps in my tank. Like the orange lace that you have to look *really* close to see have orange stripes. I have 3 different colors of 'neon' cloves which vary from fairly common (green) to pretty rare (yellow). I don't think the average reefer would glance at my tank and say 'OMG LOOK AT ALL THE RARE CORALZ' just like I wouldn't know a rare SPS if it bit me.

As for CO now FoT, I've gotten stuff there and been happy. I got a piece of frogspawn that's tripled in size. I think I orginally paid $70 for it and it was a healthy-sized piece. Haven't bought fish there, but that's because they never have what I'm lookng for since...... They do seem to get in and stock rare/expensive fish. I hope with the new management they will begin to stock more common things and price them accordingly. I will continue to stop in and see what they do with the place. As for FAOIS, you just can't go wrong there. They have the healthiest selection of fish and corals of any store in the area and I trust John and his staff implicitly.