WTB copepods

I can deliver my diverse culture in Rhinelander begining of Oct. My wife is flying in for a wedding.
Are you coming to the meeting on Wednesday? You could ask Kevin when F&S will have them back in stock. If you aren't going, I could ask for you. If it's going to be awhile, you could take bajabum's offer.
Thanks for the offer :)

but I don't think the copepods ship from WI, they ship from the facility in CA.

I ended up buying some from Floridapets.com. They weren't the best copepods, but...
You maybe right. But, Jody told me a few months ago that if I let her know afew days in advance she could have them for me at the retail store. After I saw your post, I was talking to Jody and she had said the "cod farmer" was having a problem, but may be up and running soon. She said Kevin would have a better idea as to if & when. So if the Floridapets-cods don't workout, you may want to check back with Jody.
