A way to mark a snail?


Cancer Sucks
Can anyone think of a safe way to mark a snail shell? :) I was just reading about the hundreds of limpets in my tank, and this article says they always return to the same spot after feeding:


Anyway, out of curiosity, I think it would be cool to mark one to test it out. :)

(Keep in mind, they are very small; maybe 1/4 inch)
lol, a sharpie was my first thought too! (quickly dismissed, of course)

One thing I'm thinking; I wonder if I have to "mark it in place" or if I can take it out to glue something to it. I'm wondering if I take it out, will it "get lost" and ruin the experiment?? lol, I guess I'm bored...
You are a trouble maker. Now that you mention it mine has a definate pattern every morning. Nail polisih, if taking out the rock mixes him up so what, he will establish a new routine and now be marked red. Notice I said taking out rock, they stick good and would likely get damaged if pulled off rock. Physics or Engineering Degree, I say Engineering, lol?
That's not a bad idea John. They can suck down and seal in moisture, so it wouldn't hurt to keep it out of the water long enough for the nail polish to set up......

Is nail polish toxic??
I super-glued a tiny bit of ribbon on it. I'll let you know if I notice any patterns in the days to come...

a snail with a flag, things that make ya go HMmmmmmmmm, but otherwise very ingenous
What's funny is, when I asked my wife where she keeps her nail polish, she told me and went right back to what she was doing. She never thought twice why I would need it.....
Nail polish probably is toxic but if you get it on shell and that small amount. they can stay out for quite a while but it should only take a minute to dry a spot on shell a blow the polish to a skin dry. the I think it would act like superglue and gel up. Well, Engineering Degree Mike?
and would that be a Hot Pink nail polish or does another color catch your fancy John Hmmmmmmmm

The profanity censors are there for a reason.

And if the censor in your head can't stop your fingers from typing, maybe you should step away from they keyboard for a few minutes before typing something like that again.
