A way to mark a snail?

Nothing to report yet. As soon as I put it back in last night it moved about 3 inches, and has stayed put ever since.
This sounds a little like an experiment we did in Baja- tracking the locomotion patterns of sea stars. We kept losing them, so we tied empty water bottles to them with fishing line as marker floats. The only interesting data was when they got caught in a current and the bottles acted like sails. The profanity sensors really would have gone off if they had been on the beach when we realized what was happening!
They think that the homing behavior is due to the presence of magnetite that they use as a compass in their radula, a scraping tongue used for feeding. Chitons have it also. Yours however might just decide to forget all that and hide under a rock out of shame. Looks like a total fashion faux pas to me!
LOL, I was wondering if he's just to embaressed to come out from behind the power head!

Thanks for the extra info Olin. That's the kind of stuff I like to learn.
My comment was not intended to offend, sorry. That comment was an icon phrase in the 80's refering to someone, a dork, who left their shirt tag poking up in the air. Did anyone else use this phrase during that era? Anyhow, my point is that the critter looks like he has a dork tag! There is that better?!
It's moved another inch. Now, I don't know if it moved all over the tank between 10 last night until now, or if it just moved an inch.
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle--the process of observing changes the outcome. Your tagged snail may not function normally. (yeah, I'm a physicist..) It will be interesting to see what happens. Keep us posted.
I either picked the laziest snail in the tank, or they're just not very active, or it does all it's moving around when I'm not looking. Today it's another 2 inches higher.
what you really need is a saltwater-proof miniature GPS tracker with the top secret capability to find location down to one inch. Unfortunately the Gov't has not yet designed a way to down load the info . Darn that cheapest bidder system.... ; )
Jon, yeah that would be nice. But then again, aren't we supposed to have flying cars by now? :)

Update! It actually moved about 2 feet to the front glass. It did it between this morning and lunch today.
One last update before I remove the ribbon. (it's getting tattered)

It has been fairly mobile in the last couple of weeks, and it apparrently does return to the same spot. Most of the time it's at the bottom center of the front glass, but it ventures all over the front and right glass, even the back glass once, but it always ends up back in the same spot in front.

I declare this little experiment a sucess!