DIY Trickle Filter


New member
I posted this in the Filtration Forum and then thought maybe this was a better place for it. Sorry for the double post.

I want to make a big trickle filter for a growout system. I am thinking of getting two stackable plastic tubs, drilling holes in the bottom of the first one and filling the second one with bioballs. I am also going to line the first one with a foam material for mechanical filtration. Am I missing anything?

I am planning to having the drain on the bottom so I can send the water to the sump. I have seen where some folks put the drain a few inches from the bottom and bubble air into the bottom for better gas exchange. Is this something that is necessary?

Any help or even photos of something that any of you have done will be greatly appreciated.


PS I will have a 40 gallon tank full of macros hooked up to the same system so I am not worried too much about high nitrate levels. I more worried about processing all of the ammonia generated from a heavily stocked system.