Getting everything together for the move to Texas


New member
I am going to be attempting to relocate my family and tank to Texas in two weeks and will be trying to document as much as I can. I will be moving my 385g tank with all of the livestock over to our new house in Rockwall, TX. I will be also attempt to redesign the system in regards to the sump and fuge. Currently the sump consists of a 40g and a 29g fuge. I am having Socal Creations make me a sump that is 24"X 24"x60" and I will also have a 60g frag system on top of the sump. I went ahead and purchased some 2x2 and 1x2 12gauge steel this morning and welded up the stand that will hold both systems. The grow out system will be lit by a lumearc L3 reflector and the sump with some PC's.

Children don't try this at home,Parents teach your kids to always roll down their sleeves when welding!!!!!!
Brent Higa
Brent your going to be at the meeting on the 11th? I want your carbon contact before you ditch us.
I set up one of the other members with my contact, I just won't mention his name in a public forum(especially this one)!
See you saturday.
Brent Higa
Ted, if you don't mind bringing the air pumps with you to the meeting, sorry I haven't been able to swing by your house and pick them up. I just have been busy flying around getting the house ready for us. If you are still looking out for a nice A.Nana piece. My colony too a real hit from the drama that happened a while back, but I have two frags of it left. I would really like someone else that I can trust with a piece of it. Here is a pic of the mother colony.

Let me know if you want it and if the pumps are still available.
Brent Higa
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6682527#post6682527 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loserkidz
... I would really like someone else that I can trust with a piece of it.
What am I, choped liver!
I already have a piece saved for you, damn you are worse than a woman. Come to think of it you are better looking than some of them too!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6682527#post6682527 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loserkidz
Ted, if you don't mind bringing the air pumps with you to the meeting, sorry I haven't been able to swing by your house and pick them up. I just have been busy flying around getting the house ready for us. If you are still looking out for a nice A.Nana piece. My colony too a real hit from the drama that happened a while back, but I have two frags of it left. I would really like someone else that I can trust with a piece of it. Here is a pic of the mother colony.

Let me know if you want it and if the pumps are still available.
Brent Higa

Pumps are yours. I'll bring them Saturday. And yes, bring the A. nana!


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6682850#post6682850 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
What am I, choped liver!
no choped liver with a waterless reef tank
Sorry Mr Secretary!! I beg you for forgiveness.... I shall never let it happen again!
Love Always,
Brent Higa
You say that now as you run to Texas! :lol:

You still want a ride to the meeting, yes?
Well I started getting in some of my supplies for the move and also started loading up the truck last night. I first want to thank Socal Creations,Ken(Konadog),Ted(Tedinator) Dave(O2manyfish) and Tat (Tats Tropical Illusions AKA TAAM Rio) for all their help in supplying myself with some of the equipment needed for such a large move. Just the moving and planning that is involved with relocating your family and household half way across the United States in itself is a headache, but bless my Wifes heart for putting up with me while I am welding @ 11pm trying to build a trailer to put my stupid tank and equipment on. I wanted to thank Tat publicly for going out of his way and bringing in and supplying me with a pallet of his OceanPure 200g Salt mix cases for my move. I know some of you are asking What the hell is this moron doing, why doesn't he just buy the salt over there!! Well my friends I am a firm believer in the OceanPure salt and the DFWMAS club has been doing group buys for the club inorder to get a decent price for salt from Marine Depot, if not they pay and arm and a leg out there. Here are some pick of the cases I had to lug and stack in the moving truck.
I also picked up a 37"x24"x16" prop tank from Ken(Konadog) last night for my stand that I built that will house the prop system and sump/fuge. It is lit by a Lumenarc III and will house my livestock until my main display gets cycled up and stable enough to transfer my fish. Socal Creations built my sump/fuge and I will be picking it up from them this morning, so Steve thanks to Steve for building it last minute for me and my pestering to have it done in time. Here are some picks from their site. The dimensions are 60"x24"x24"
. I have to be done loading up the truck tonight as they are picking up the trailer tomorrow morning(23rd). The only thing that will be left in my house is my tank and system. I will be breaking donw the system this coming tues (28th) and be placing all of the livestock into two 120qt igloo containers that I am installing air stones, heaters, and powerheads. Thanks to Ted(Tedinator0 for hooking me up with the air pumps,stones and lines for the mini systems that will be in the bed of my truck. Basicaly you have to create a portable system that will keep the parameters so that the fish and corals will stay alive for the ride out to Texas. I am taking along a couple of 55g drums that I have to throw my live rock with. I have over 800#s in the tank and I picked up some really nice slabs that I am adhearing to the back wall of the tank with. I am tired of the Miami Vice(Lyndel) blue back that I had the tank made with. I am too poor to buy the Porcelin back panels so I am going to adhere the slabs to the back wall with the black handi expansion foam. We did it to Daves tank and it looked killer. I will post some more picks once I start to break down the system, I appologize mods for taking up so much bandwith, but I really would like others that are thinking about such a move to understand and learn from my mistakes.
P.S. I raided Hme Depot and Mcmaster Carr and puchased some of the fittings and a couple cases of Aquamend for the mounting of my corals.

Brent Higa
Dang Brent, you told me how many cases of salt you picked up, but those pictures bring it home. Man that's a lot of salt!

Don't forget to document your teardown, trip, and setup, I'm sure we can all benefit from your experience.
Well, I just got back from helping Brent load his tank (and half of everything else he forgot to load in the house trailer!) and sent him on his way.

All I can say is I hope he makes it and doesn't loose any livestock.

We should here from him in a few days with a full report on how the trip went.
Dang, I just got a phone call from Brent, seems he hit a bad dip in the road last night and the trailer pooped off the truck in Arizona :( Luckily the safety chains held, and so did the trailer. Apparently the only damage was to his brand new sump. The trailer slammed into the truck, pushing the trailer hitch thru one end of the sump that was loaded on the front of the trailer.
The good ending to this story is that nothing else came off of the trailer or was damaged, and Brent and his father are OK.

I hope this was the only mishap of his journey to Texas.