Getting out - 144g Half Circle Oceanic Tank complete setup for sale.


Active member
After 10 years of this hobby I am looking to completely get out alltogether. Long story made short, I just don't have time like I use to take care of this tank. As most know, these tanks are no longer being made. I bought this tank about 3 years ago. I drove 12 hours to get it after looking for one for several months. This is a complete matching setup, tank, stand and canopy. It is a very nice, clean setup. As of right now I want to keep it as a complete setup and get rid of it all at once. It includes tank stand and canopy. Two 120w LED lights that look great on this tank. Overflow box, 30g sump, 10g topoff tank all fit perfect under the stand. Mag return pump, WP25 wavemaker and controller, JBJ auto topoff, heaters, carbon reactor media filter and I'll even throw in an RODI unit. Setup also comes with about 100lbs of live rock, sand and 8-10 fish (tangs, triggers, etc). Buyer can also have all of my water change stuff, spare fish food, salt, etc. I am looking for $2k firm on the setup at this time. I am located at 41503. I will post pics up in a few minutes.