Gregs 100 gallon build

Okay here goes a new setup cause I have to use an external pump:

Area 1- Refugium with one of the over flow tubes going into it.
Area 2- Skimmer area with my skimmer of course.
Area 3- Return area with a Mag 9 as return pump.

The yellow is going to be my skimmer pump where the other overflow tube is going to go and then the tube is going to run up to my skimmer. The water will then go from the skimmer into the return and then back to the tank.

So brief overview:

water goes from DT, one line goes to the refuge and the other goes to the pump. The pump goes to the skimmer and the water overflows from the refuge to the skimmer area and eventually flows over to the return area. Then it goes back up to the DT.

Let me know if that is confusing and any improvement's are appreciatted.


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Thanks for your input Calvin I am going to have to look into that and just see where it makes sense for everything to fit. I have to measure my skimmer again and just so I would be able to take it out I may have to go that route as well and move my fuge to the center. As for the DSB, what would the reasoning be in removing it? Would I still put rubble rock and cheato in there? Thanks for your fast reply.

I'd move the bubble trap to the return side, that is where you want to keep bubbles from reaching. Going to have to disagree with Paul on this one, I run my water to my skimmer first to remove as much detritus as I can before the water reaches the fuge... Else it just gets trapped in your macro along with any substrate you have and requires manual removal to get rid of it. Also, I'd lose the DSB in the fuge, if you insist on having one, I'd put it in a container or small diameter bucket to allow for easier removal down the road.

I run:
Skimmer zone 1
Barebottom Fuge zone 2
Return zone 3

This allows me to remove the skimmer and chaeto, pump 100% of the water out of the sump and then and shop vac. Accomplishes removing all excess detritus from the sump and a nice water change upon refill.

Just my $.02
DSB's are a hot debated topic and I'm not going to get into the pro/cons of having one. I will touch on a couple of key points outside of a DSB, IMO you already have sand and rock in your tank which take care of your biological filtration thus there is no need to have any more in your fuge. I always hear that it is great for breeding pods, but after going through the return pump, I'm not convinced they will survive anyway. As for removing the DSB there are a number of reasons you might want to remove it down the road, and thinking long term it is easier to remove it by taking out a bucket instead of trying to vac it out.

I'm a simple guy and don't like to over complicate things so I go with a modified Berlin method (Skimmer and Live Rock). I do keep macro algea in my fuge just to help pull more nutrients out. I try to keep my sump as clean as possible and for me is a great way to ensure everything is running properly. I can make sure I don't have detritus building up in the sump, because I'm always cleaning it instead of having to work on the tank. A clean sump really helps keep a clean tank.
Thank you for your input calvin I will take all that into consideration. As for the way I am going to put my sump I was not able to measure my skimmer last night and don't know when I will get around to that but I have time yet. I am leaning towards; skimmer, refuge, return. Reasoning is because trying to get the skimmer out of the middle will be a pain in the butt. Having to run it with an external pump will require a little more pipping but that is okay I am okay with that as long as I keep it clean and out of the way so I can work on the sump.

I am thinking about moving my ballast's that way I wont have them sitting over the sump and will not run the risk of having it fall into there and killing everything in my tank. I just don't know where I am going to mount them, I have to look at everything first.