Group Buy on B.S. !!!!!


New member
I know that most of you have had enough of my B.S.!!!! However the B.S. from, is really GOOD B.S.!!! As a matter of fact, I have been getting my B.S. from them since I was raising FW angelfish almost 10 years ago!

The democrats try to sell you this B.S. where they steal money from people who WILL, and give it to those who WON'T in an effort to "buy" votes.

The republicans want to sell you this B.S. that you can only have one kind of B.S.-- thier kind of B.S. They want to use the police power of government to force you to buy ONLY their B.S.!!!

The much more Libertarian however, gives you a HUGE choice in what sort of B.S. you want to buy!

The way I figure, if 12 of us go in on this, we can each get a pount of grade A B.S. cysts for about $16.00 per person plus shipping. Whether or not you raise baby fish or something else, Feeding your tank a B.S. plankton storm a couple times a week will absolutely amaze you! Just about everything has a FEAST! It's fun to watch all your fish, shrimp, corals, amphipods and other misc. funk go nuts eating these little tiny pink specks.

All B.S. aside, can we get at least 12 people on board here who really appreciate a good who wants to fill the aquatic world with massive quantities of B.S.???!!!???!!?

What say you all????

Lover of all B.S.

BTW-- I HAVE to limit this particular GB to the first 12 because the next price break comes at 3 12Lb. lots. Really, we can keep going forever on this but... the 1st 12 get in, the next 12 get in on the next one...etc. unless we hit the next price break. I have no idea what that is, we'll have to ask but we probably would never hit it anyway-- unless we buy a ton or so.:lol:
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Jason with a club over 100 strong we might make the 36 people for the 3 12lb lots but just incase we don't, put me down for 1 of the first 12, depending on what hatch rate these are.
jason have you called them to see if they will give us a price break better than the one on the site?
About 8" across. It wouldn't be for someone who hatched alot of shrimp but if you just need a batch a week its good.
bring it to the next meeting so we can all check it out. Please!

I have about 3 different kinds now. They're all a pain in the
I don't think I need a pound of Shrimp eggs as it would last me my life time but I would be interested in getting one of the hatchers like essop3 has since the one I have doesn't seem to want to work.
okay since I have inside info let's just say we should try to order 18 cans.

As for the hatcheries, club price, if we order 5 or more would only be $13.00 each plus what ever extra shipping if any.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6839511#post6839511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef4Fun
Put me in for one of the hatcheries for $13.00+

I'm not sure it is the dish one that was previously talked about. It is the one that is normally 13.95
Guys, you can make a hatchery out of a 2 liter bottle, some rigid air line tubing, a spot of epoxy and some super glue. Don't waste your money.

As a matter of fact, if you would like one and don't think you are up to the task, I'll make you as many of these as you want for $1 each.
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