how do i make a PVC rock frame?

shane 1111

Premium Member
how do i build a PVC frames to hold line rock?
I want to build frames for my rock to sit on.
I want a holo reef structure but I don't know how to attach the rockwork to the PVC.
can you help me with ideas?
I want to have a lot of open caves. it is hard to make caves with out a frame
Most people drill small holes in the LR and use zip ties to hold it to the PVC You can also make "shelves" by sitting a piece of egg crate on top of PVC.

You can also use acrylic/carbon fiber rods (available at a hobby shop) and drill holes into the rocks a little bit and use the rods, cut to length, to sort of stick the rocks together. Not as sturdy as shelving, but it does the trick for some stuborn rocks that dont seem to want to stack nicely.

I personally wish we had done some sort of frame work, and we still very well may do some sort of arch like frame. To achieve the look we want, we'd likely drill holes and use zip-ties. They get covered in coraline soon enough.
I was wondering the same thing. I have a 35 hex and wanted to try to ut something together to hold the rock in place as well as allow me to build some caves and crevices.
i used a drill press with a 3/8 bit, drilled holes through all my rock then slid CPVC through them using 90 degree and 45 degree and T fittings to piece everything together.
I used some big thick 8" to 6" PVC pipe on the bottom about
7 to 8" tall and then I used egg crate ontop of the PVC cylinders. It looks very nice and there are lots of caves. I do need to get some more rock to add though.
I've just recently started to build a framework from scrap acrylic.
I made two sets of "A" frames (one 16" tall, one 12") then I tied them together with 1/2" strips (one mid, one up high), and tonight I plan on making "fingers" which extend out at both levels to stack/hold rock. My hope is to better construct a more natural looking coral "head" with less LR and better circulation within. I'll post some pic later if I think of it.
I'm planning on getting a lot of 1/2" or 3/4" PVC, lots of elbows, and lots of T's. Going to glue it all up into boxes and then zip tie eggcrate to the tops of the boxes for the rock to sit on. Planning on making one or two so my fish can have a good place to hide.
Guess not...LOL

I would like to see some as well. I am going to buy about 120lbs of base rock for my new tank. $150 for 120lbs of rock that you can play with and not worry about dying is worth it to me.

So are you guys using these structures on bear bottom tanks?