I need SPS - Now.

Fun $ Pit

New member
If you have any to frag or sell - send me a PM with what it is, price, and when I can get it please. I am tired of looking at a mostly empty tank and I refuse to spend $xx for a common species of SPS locally. Please help dress up my tank before my spousal unit says "Sell it - It's boring" :beer:

On a side note - it's annoying to have to post in two different "local" club sections :headwalls: Just saying. :spin3:
Why post in both. WTMRAC is gone. All Memphis are should post in one place for less confusion, but that's just my humble opinion. :). . Better yet, if you can, post it on the MARS Facebook page. It will get tons more views and replies than on here. We have almost 200 members in there that have active daily postings and pictures, as well as discussions.