Incredible!!! Zilla 3!!

Don't know. Did some upgrades over the weekend, but normally if the main page shows everything is ok. Taking a look now...

Fixed. Apparently "Gallery" - the software I use to manage the photos, needed to have it setup script re-run after the version update.

Answering the last question: Yes, I do have to get into the tank occassionaly. Light thing I can do with aqua-tongs - and I have a platform I can, just barely, muscle up onto the tank so that I can work on the lights, or down in the center. If I need to do anything heavy - like work on the rock structure - I have to get in.

I'm surpised this thread hasn't gone past 100 pages... that is truly amazing.. and I know you've heard that one before ;)

That is going above and beyond any dream tank of mine... simply stunning :) You are truly a devoted reefer, keep up the fantastic work.
I just wanted to say thank you Kevin for having all of us over to see your tank. I really enjoyed seeing your very healthy fish!
I missed out!!!

I missed out!!!

I use to live in St. Louis(Ballwin) while finishing my doctorate and man i wish i knew this thing was in the area b/c i would've loved to have seen it. Any plans on another visiting session or tour anytime in the near future? Man, that thing just makes my 240 look like a nanosystem.... wonderful job Kevin!

Thomas Sullivan
And I thought I was an obsessed addict. What kind of Corals do you want in your tank in the future. What are your goals for the future. Has the local paper or other media ever reported on your little piece of the ocean in your basemet.


thumbsup: :bigeyes: :fish2: :fish2: :fish2: :bigeyes: :thumbsup:
And I thought I was an obsessed addict. What kind of Corals do you want in your tank in the future. What are your goals for the future. Has the local paper or other media ever reported on your little piece of the ocean in your basemet.


thumbsup: :bigeyes: :fish2: :fish2: :fish2: :bigeyes: :thumbsup:
Hi all -

It was fun having everyone over, I believe the count was around 80 people? As long as the tank is reasonably healthy, SEASL will be welcome.

I am a little concerned, I have not seen my Naso tang tonight - she is normally is an open water swimmer, so this is NOT a good thing. SHe didn't come out to eat either, and normally leads the charge to eat everything between my fingers. The other fish are acting a bit odd as well, but nobody else is missing.

Regarding corals - no defined plan. Sometimes people donate frags, and I find a home. Sometimes a buy a frag or two. Haven't done either since I won the Walt Smith fragment when he came to visit. This is a long term hobby - adding a piece or two a year is just fine.

I do have a list of about a dozen more tangs I'd like. Hmmm, my pacific blues are fighting more than normal The biggest one seems to be ****ed off at everybody, which of course is making the next biggest mad and it is picking on #3. #4 is wisely just staying out of dodge.

Think its time to make sure the protein skimmer is tuned. If I lost that Naso, there is going to be a bit of a bio-load on the system... (it is VERY rare that I ever spot a dead fish - even one as large as the Naso.

No sign of "Little Girl" (although she was the largest fish in my tank, she was dwarfed by "Big Boy" - her male friend for many years). I know I have a lot of rock, but you would think there would be SOME sign of a dead 8" long fish...

The other fish are acting more normal today.
