Past Pictures of Your Clams


My Maxima Clam Collection.....

My Maxima Clam Collection.....

I have enclosed both "Top Down" and " Front Side" views for comparison purposes. The largest of the clams in this collection has been with me easily for 10+ years. Enjoy?

My largest Maxima, Arguably a Gigas:

Gold Tear Drop Maxima:

Tahitian Maximas: Gold and Teal Patterned, Gold and Blue Zebra Stripes, Blue Spotted/Drops

I have enclosed both "Top Down" and " Front Side" views for comparison purposes. The largest of the clams in this collection has been with me easily for 10+ years. Enjoy?

My largest Maxima, Arguably a Gigas:

That clam is not a Gigas for sure. You said it is a Maxima? or Derasa?
I agree with you that it's not a Gigas. Others have suggested it was. The pattern of the flesh looks like a Derasa....but the physical clam shape and texture is that of a Maxima. I can try and post shell pictures later this evening when it closes up a bit.
I think it most look like a Squamosa. Looking at the mantle, different between Squamosa and Maxima and Crocea is the flat space between the two side of the mantle. This area is narrow in Maxima and Crocea while much wider in Squamosa. For example from your clam looking at the large teardrop you have and the clam we are taling about. Pay attention to this flat space and you can tell the differences. The color patern and likely the size is c/w Squamosa


I have to agree. Out of several LFS and hobbyists I've asked....we've come to the same conclusion :). I was making a judgement based on texture of physical clam shell. Thanks for clarifying. I learned something new today.....after keeping it for so long.


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He's approx. 10" in width (flesh of mantle folds), and easily 14" in length, 6" tall (just the shell). The size of just the shell is approx. the size of a football.
Can't get a true top down color, really golden. Any idea of species? I think it's maxima




Will post a clam coming in from LA tomorrow too :dance:
Indeed it is a very nice pattern. However its not a Derasa. You are a proud owner of a very large Crocea.