recent article - live rock as bio filter

Originally posted by TimV


Problem is that they are not going to get light inside the rock.

That's incorrect. The rock is not opaque. There is plenty of light inside the rock for them, and there is light actually to a depth of close to a meter in most coral sandy sediments. All biogenic "rock" on coral reefs is filled with algae. In fact, most of our live rock is not of coral origin at all it is algally derived. Take a good close look at the "live" rock in your systems and see how much of it is clearly of coral derivation; it ain't much.

... why then would algae be so successful?

Because there is plenty of light, and the algae extend filaments to the surface of the rock.
Take a good close look at the "live" rock in your systems and see how much of it is clearly of coral derivation; it ain't much.

Can you provide references to back up this statement? As I understand it, except for aquacultured rock, the vast majority of live rock is past coral collected directly from the rubble zone. That is easy to verify visual by a visit to your LFS. :confused:
Originally posted by pwhitby


it was data and datum. Not bacterias.

No, in this case it was algaes... as in: "I would define ...
live rock as the stuff we buy, wet from the ocean. it may or may not have algaes and/or other life on it."

singular and plural : alga and algae. :D

Your reply to me in the above post would seem to indicate you have taken my stance that animals are not needed and that coral based rock, be it originally live or dried, can and does act as a site of denitrification.

As long as water can cross the boundary layers in suffient amounts, I agree it could work on any rock to some extent. I don't see any quantitative information to convince that it does work in aquarium systems to a significant degree.

I think that in natural situations that if the bacteria in the rock function in this way at all, it is the bacteria in the internal cavities that provide most of the denitritfication occurring in the rock, and that those bacteria get their water from ventilation by animals.

Also that it was your intent to prove that "live rock" is devoid of animal life.

No, my intent was to find out how much of the original animal life within the rock had survived. In a natural situation there are immense numbers of animals in the rock. I was curious how many of them made it into our so-called live rock.
Originally posted by gregt


Can you provide references to back up this statement?

Check out the initial Odum and Odum 1955 paper I cited in my article, and work this way in time if you wish. Alternatively get the information from Eric B.

As I understand it, except for aquacultured rock, the vast majority of live rock is past coral collected directly from the rubble zone.

Most of the coral reef is formed by green algae which cement coral animal skeletal fragments together with their own calcareous secretions. Most of the "live" coral rock is indeed "coral" rubble, but most "coral rubble" is mixture of coral skeletal remains, coralline algae (green not red), and straight algal remains. "Pure" coral skeletal remains generally make up a very small amount and contribute a very small amount to the structure of reefs. In terms of origin and in terms of biomass and in terms of calcareous mass, a coral reef is mostly made up of algae.
rshimek said:

Is your argument, in a nutshell...that passive diffusion of solutes in a static water column inside a rock structure is insufficient to bathe the biofilm. ??

No. My argument is that that passive of solutes in a static water colum inside a coral rock is insufficient to have any appreciable exchange with the water surrounding the rock structure.

First of all, as stated, the incredible surface area present within the rock makes any argument that water cannot diffuse fast enough a bit silly. It doesn't have to. The concentration gradient caused by depletion of NH4 is going to drive more into the biofilm. The nitrite produced by the Nitrosomonas species will be immediately taken up and converted to nitrate by Nitrobacter species. But here is the point: in a coupled nitrification-denitrifaction mixed biofilm, the NO3 doesn't need to diffuse either. A layer of bacteria even 100 um deep will allow for anaerobic conditions for the deepest bacteria in the matrix. This is basic oral biology (ever had a cavity?). In the lab, I've perfected methods of transformation of bacteria through induction of competence by transient anaerobiosis conditions. It is as simple as letting the bacteria settle in as little as 1 mm of culture media.

Another point is that even if these biofilms do not exist, that doesn't mean that the denitrifiers cannot work in the rock even with the low levels of diffusion you state. You neglect the fact that many of the known denitrifiers have been demonstated to be chemotactic to nitrate. They can move within the anoxic zones of the rock to get to whereever needed and can do this very rapidly. In this scenario, the nitrification and denitrification is still coupled, in the sense that the nitrate production is still occuring within the rock. Of course this is speculation, but it is supported by anecdotal evidence. I can't count the times that I or Paul have suggested to members of our club to remove their biowheels from their tanks. Every one of them have reported nitrate levels dropping to near undetectable levels shortly thereafter. I think the wheels are just so efficient in attracting the nitrifiers (but preventing the denitrifiers) that it completely uncouples the system. If invertebrates were able to assist in moving water through rock to the anoxic zones, or if algae dominated the denitrification in the tank, the biowheels would not have an effect on the system. Clearly, speculation that the nitrification and denitrification occurs in the rock (or sandbed) is well founded. The coupling of the system means that it is so efficient, that it is only limited by the rate at which it can access NH4.

Because... so far I have shown the incredible surface area open to biofilms.

You have indicated that there is porosity of the rock. If the rock is truly alive on the reef, the interior is filled with algae, and if it is dead in a tank, it may or may not have much of anything in it.

Thus, diffusion in my model can account for the process.

Yes, it can; provided the diffusion occurs over the benthic boundary layer. And if it does, then we don't need any "live" rock. My initial argument was that live rock needed water pumped through it to function as a filter. I expected to show from subsequent examinations of the rock that it had no effective pumping animal life in it; which would have been supported by any chemical data I could obtain from inside the rock. And it follows from that , that having "live" rock is immaterial, and any reasonable substrate should do, which was going to be the point of any subsequent discussion on the subject.

If all you are trying to do is prove that people don't need "live" rock, you're just trying to reinvent the wheel. A simple survey is all you would need to do to show that. I know many people that do not have a single rock from either the Pacific or Florida aquaculture farms in their system that do not have detectable nitrates in their tanks. There are probably many customers of Hirocks that can attest to their success. It may take slightly longer to develop the proper flora for nitrification/denitrification, but it will occur, likely even without intervention as these bacteria are so ubiquitous.

The only reason to buy Fiji or Marshall island rock, imo, is because you like the shapes. With as long as they sit on docks, you need to cure it for so long that it is pointless to think it will be ready much before the hawaiian base rock. Now, this next statement is completely speculative, but here is is anyway. The base rock from Florida, while coming with lots of "life", is unlikely to be as good a source of biological filtration as either wild-collected "live" rock or the hawaiian rock. I've got a few pieces that were actually dry when I obtained them. They are extremely dense (dry weight for for similar sized rocks was twice as much for the Florida rock than for wet Marshall island rock I purchased). That is de facto evidence that is is not as porous as other rock. It is fossilized and practically limestone (coming from a non-geologist, mind you, don't nitpick). Now, will that rock work. Probably. As well as Fiji or marshall? Not likely. But I highly doubt we are taxing our systems to that extent that it makes a difference.

Here's another experiment. It won't be short term, but it will won't be terribly expensive. Three small tanks with "live" Fiji, "live" Florida aquacultured, or with dead Hawaiian rock. It would preferable to use equivalent wet-weight of each in their respective tanks. Determine how long it takes for each to cycle (Add several clams or something to really get the ammonia level initially up.) Follow the time course of nitrification/denitrification. Then after an appropriate time (at least a few months after the last tank has finished cycling) start dosing exogenous ammonia. Follow nitrate levels. Ramp up ammonia additions and determine that nitrification/denitrification capacities of the system.

Statistically reliability would require at least an n of 3 for each condition, but I'd be willing to let that slide a bit for the sake of preliminary results. If someone is willing to donate 9 20 gallon tanks and the appropriate rock, I'd be willing to do it.

Thing is, the only reason why I even got involved in this discussion, is that the only thing I hate worse than having no information is having bad information. Rock works. I don't much care why but if it is that important to you, I'm willing to help. I don't mind giving my time and expertise to the community (as long as it isn't financial, my wife would kill me :) ) Just please abandon that original experiment as unworkable (and possibly irrelevant).

Hey, I do want you to succeed. I'm also a native Montanan (born and raised) and we do need to stick together.
rshimek said:

Can you provide references to back up this statement?

Check out the initial Odum and Odum 1955 paper I cited in my article, and work this way in time if you wish. Alternatively get the information from Eric B.

As I understand it, except for aquacultured rock, the vast majority of live rock is past coral collected directly from the rubble zone.

Most of the coral reef is formed by green algae which cement coral animal skeletal fragments together with their own calcareous secretions. Most of the "live" coral rock is indeed "coral" rubble, but most "coral rubble" is mixture of coral skeletal remains, coralline algae (green not red), and straight algal remains. "Pure" coral skeletal remains generally make up a very small amount and contribute a very small amount to the structure of reefs. In terms of origin and in terms of biomass and in terms of calcareous mass, a coral reef is mostly made up of algae.

Thank you for responding. I understand your point.
TimV said:
Here's another experiment. It won't be short term, but it will won't be terribly expensive. Three small tanks with "live" Fiji, "live" Florida aquacultured, or with dead Hawaiian rock. It would preferable to use equivalent wet-weight of each in their respective tanks. Determine how long it takes for each to cycle (Add several clams or something to really get the ammonia level initially up.) Follow the time course of nitrification/denitrification. Then after an appropriate time (at least a few months after the last tank has finished cycling) start dosing exogenous ammonia. Follow nitrate levels. Ramp up ammonia additions and determine that nitrification/denitrification capacities of the system.

While fascinating and useful from a buyer's perspective, I don't think this experiment would be very useful in discerning the role of invertebrates in the process. There are too many variables such as the collection sites, time out of the water, etc. These might be alleviated somewhat by getting a Fiji supplier like Walt Smith to ship rock for the experiment in water and not rinsed, similar to the way Tampa Bay ships their rock.

If one wishes to just study the value of the cavitations themselves in the biological filter, wouldn't "dead" rock from all three sources be a more controlled experiment? It eliminates the concern that the supposedly live rock being used is too lifeless to perform the functions being hypothesized.

For example, if the rock with more interior cavitations is a better biological filter while dead, we can determine that the action of the invertebrates are not the sole source of benefit.
Since you still wish to argue grammar.......

You originally corrected my use of the word data. You then said I misused the word bacteria. That was my point, but like I said, lets stick with science.

I stated that surface structure and biofilms can account for the denitrification we have in our systems.

You say that without animals diffusion is not powerful enough to deal with this.

You also say that most rock is probably devoid of life. I totally agree. do you get denitrification on all those tanks with no substrate. The rock has no animals. There is no substrate, yet we have denitrification.

You asked for the scientific proof of my statements. I gave you pictures of coral surface areas (which you still fail to acknowledge). I use a simple example to show how short a distance is required to establish anoxia. These are facts. I have shown you why I think my scenario works.

You have still to give me one piece of evidence that it does not.
I am still waiting for evidence.

At least provide the same courtesy you demand of others.

finally, as a complete aside. Other people will read this. They may not be scientists. I understand terms such as "benthic boundary layer effect " since my first degree was marine biology and biochemistry. Others may not. Please let them people know what you mean, so they can understand. Just a thought...

Greg T and Ron.

The fact that on a reef there is a large biomass of algae has no relation to what goes on in a tank. Several times Ron has said that things on a reef and in our tanks are completely different. I agree.

I do believe that on a reef the rock is not the site of denitrification. Lets face it, the ocean is pretty huge and the life in it is miniscule when compared to our tanks. The vast amount of phytoplanktonic organisms may well just take up nitrates and grow on it as a nutrient.
Thus the requirement for denitrification may be a great deal lower than in our closed systems. Stating that on a reef the rock is full of algae has no bearing on the situation in our tanks.

As a final point, before I turn in for the night. In your hypothesis, or supposition, animals move water through their burrows, and thus move solutes. then what? What happens a few millimeters from the animals burrow? This is the basic fallacy of your argument. The situation there is the same at the rock surface...or water-rock boundary.

Your hypothesis is based on the single fact that solutes in water have to penetrate the rock to an appreciable depth to creat anaerobic environs. I have shown that that is not required.

Goodnight all.

Originally posted by pwhitby

Hi Paul,

You originally corrected my use of the word data. You then said I misused the word bacteria.

No, I said you misused the word algaes... do you get denitrification on all those tanks with no substrate. The rock has no animals. There is no substrate, yet we have denitrification.

I agree with you that surface films, on substrates like glass and sand will account for denitrification. In fact, they may do most of the denitrification.

You asked for the scientific proof of my statements. I gave you pictures of coral surface areas (which you still fail to acknowledge).

The rock is not - just - coral skeleton. In fact, coral skeleton may be a small component of most reef rock; that was really my point to Greg. Yes, your pictures are pretty. But, coral skeleton is an immediate substrate and gets colonized as soon as it is exposed. First, by bacteria - and then by algae and animals. In a short time it is largely covered and along with it all the initial porosity. My recollection is that the calcareous algal depositions are a lot less porous and may simply seal the coral porosity behind them.

Look at the rock in your tank, Paul, it is probably covered with coralline algae. I would bet you would be hard pressed to find any "fresh-looking" coral skeleton. I spent a bit of gazing into my tank this afternoon and while I can see a lot of surface irregularities, they are almost on "secondary" surface such as on coralline aglae or surfaces modified by animals.

I use a simple example to show how short a distance is required to establish anoxia. These are facts. I have shown you why I think my scenario works.

I will concede your scenario works - but with the following caveats.

1) Not much, if any original coral skeleton is present and exposed. So talking about coral skeletal prosity is really a starting point, and largely irrelevent. We/you need to address porosity of the rock not the skeleton.

2) I haven't the references I need here to argue with you further. The library at Montana State is pathetic on these subjects, and the nearest library where I could do work is at the U Wash, about 750 miles away. Bottom line, it ain't gonna get done. So...

3) I could take a look at the surfaces of some of these rocks with the local SEM, it is an excellent machine. Looking for surface porosity and bacteria would be kinda fun, but... it costs about $350/hour for non-faculty users and since I am not teaching now, I fall into that category. I can't afford it.

Bottom line, I will concede that you may be right. My understanding of the initial use of porosity - in 1990 or so - when the arguement was first posed - was that the people were discussing the pores in the rock created by the burrowing organisms. Not the pores in the rock made by coral formation, and I wrote the article in that mindset.

In your hypothesis, or supposition, animals move water through their burrows, and thus move solutes. then what? What happens a few millimeters from the animals burrow? This is the basic fallacy of your argument.

I don't see any fallacy in the argument. The water is moved by the organisms into the rock, and bacteria lining the burrows as well as the animals, remove most of the oxygen as the water passes over the animals. The burrows are longer than the animals in them and this creates quite a good low oxygen environment behind and even surrounding the animals. Thus, the linings become the site of denitrification. In essence, as I see it, "your" biofilms are not on the surface of the rock but lining the burrows in it. That pumped water continues through the rock and exits either through some other burrow or through the cracks in the rock. Paul, these burrows are tightly packed, and in small rocks almost completely fill them. That the rocks have been burrowed out is what makes reef rock light, not the coral skeleton porosity. Much of the initial coral skeleton porosity is covered, filled in, or simply obliterated by the action of the subsequent occupying organisms. Then the rock becomes so much burrowing ground for the animals. Did you read the article? I mentioned the data collected and published by Kohn and Lloyd looking at rocks, and the number of worms in them; in many cases there were several burrowing worms per square centimeter, and these were not tiny worms. I was a student in that lab when they took apart those rocks. In good, really LIVE rock, the rock is honeycombed with the burrows. There are precious few areas where the rock is more than a millimeter or two from a burrow. Additionally, in such rocks the surface of the rock doesn't have a thin boundary layer of almost stagnant water over it, the action of the animals moving in, out, and around the rock disturbs and, in fact, destroys the boundary layer.

So... this rock is not fresh coral skeleton. It is highly altered material which has been actively excavated by burrowing organisms. Frankly, I think the original coral skeletal porosity is probably irrelevent.

In any case, as I said, I am willing to concede that with our "dead" once-live rock your scenario may work and may be the major site of denitrification. Presently, although I am not convinced, I can't get either the data or the references I need to resolve this. I would like to see some indication from aquarium data that it does work, but those data will be lacking too, I guess.

I think your scenario is at least a potential reasonable explanation some of the denitrification we see in our systems, and as such I would request that you, and Tim, if he wants, write up an article for submission and potential publication in Reefkeeping. I would recuse myself from the editorial process if you like. You would be paid for the article, and you probably have spent more time arguing with me than it would take to write a decent article of about 3000 words. This would be a nice way to recover some of your losses.
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Thanks for the reply Ron.

Regarding your statements above. Yes it would be great to look at some established rock and have a look at the internal surface structure. The ideal way would be Electron Microscopy. I have access to such, but as you say the cost is prohibitive. Light microscopy, or even macrophotography of cut rock may yield insight.
I also spent the last few days with my nose pressed against the glass viewing rocks. I do see a great deal of surface structure. As to how far this extends beneath the surface of the rock, I do not know, however, I will endeavour to find out.

The entire crux of both our arguments revolves around diffusion and the internal characteristics of the rock.

There must be some way we can begin to analyze this in a scientifically robust fashion.

There are other issues beyond those we both raise. For example, in the larger scheme of things, how much denitrification occurs in the sand as opposed to the rock. How much nitrogen (in whatever fashion) is removed by macroalgae as opposed to removed by denitrification. Again, these issues are not lightly tackled.

I am not sure what I could add by writing an an article. The points I would make I have tried to make above, but as we both know, we need real scientific data on which we can base our assumptions and hypothesis. In the absence of that we are left with speculation. In my personal opinion, this will not help the readers and the other members of this forum.

At the end of the day we have denitrification occurring. To break down the mechanisms of how this occurs is beyond our collective limited resources.

I propose that we (and by that all of us) put our collective heads together and try to figure out some of the fundamentals of this very important process. There are many experts on here and you are conversant with the forum infrastructure. You are an expert in your chosen field, how can we recruit other experts in the fields of hydrodynamics, geology, physics, bacteriology in a way we can openly discuss these issues. Do you think this would be a good idea?


Good morning all,

I have noticed that live rock will shed detritus, in fact, it will do this for many months without any input of nutrients or water flow in the vessel it is housed in. What animal/process is at work here?
I propose that we (and by that all of us) put our collective heads together and try to figure out some of the fundamentals of this very important process. There are many experts on here and you are conversant with the forum infrastructure. You are an expert in your chosen field, how can we recruit other experts in the fields of hydrodynamics, geology, physics, bacteriology in a way we can openly discuss these issues. Do you think this would be a good idea?

What a fantastic idea! Why didnt I think of that? :p
Originally posted by pwhitby

Hi Paul,

The entire crux of both our arguments revolves around diffusion and the internal characteristics of the rock.

Yes, I think we were talking about several different things and using the same terms in an unintentionally ambiguous manner.

I am not sure what I could add by writing an an article. The points I would make I have tried to make above

Yes, but, as you pointed out, not many folks will actually read through these threads, and fewer of them will comprehend some of the fine points. I think your discussions of biofilms, etc, might well be illuminating to general readers, and might well bring some more folks interested in this problem "out of the woodwork."

I propose that we (and by that all of us) put our collective heads together and try to figure out some of the fundamentals of this very important process. There are many experts on here and you are conversant with the forum infrastructure. You are an expert in your chosen field, how can we recruit other experts in the fields of hydrodynamics, geology, physics, bacteriology in a way we can openly discuss these issues. Do you think this would be a good idea?

I think it would be a great idea - and to fall back to my paragraph above - an article discussing the issue would be a great place to start. :D
Originally posted by SPC

Hi Steve,

I have noticed that live rock will shed detritus, in fact, it will do this for many months without any input of nutrients or water flow in the vessel it is housed in. What animal/process is at work here?

It could be any number of things. The detritus is simply critter crap, more than likely. I suspect that it is formed by some suspension feeding animals; some of the worms I alluded to in the posts above or some small burrowing bivalves are probably the most likely culprits.
Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that a person without a sandbed of any sort can have no detectable nitrate in a tank based solely on live rock and skimming?

I realize the sensitivity of the average aquarium test kit is far below the threshold required to allow algae growth, but still - if there wasn't anything there taking care of the nitrate, where would it go? In time, unless it was being eliminated, it would have to accumulate in algae or nitrogen-fixing bacterial biomass and you'd see it. Many folks don't.

That doesn't prove or disprove anything, but it's a pretty good "anecdote" suggesting the denitrification capability of live rock, no?

The discussion was not whether or not live rock was functional, but how it was functional and if I what percieved of as the standard explanation was a valid one.
Sure, but the how and whether are related.
You claim that water cannot be moved in and out of rocks without a sufficient amount of critters doing the work - assumingly less than are found on the average "poorly-shipped/maintained" rock judging from your claims. Yet many of us still find the capacity for denitrification more than sufficient. Why? Where's the need for improvement? What's broke?

It may be "shocking" to know that there are people out there with perfectly adequate denitrification using things like darkness-cured and starved live rock (resulting in LOTS of die-off before use). The critters you speak of just aren't that important for denitrification. There have to be other primary mechanisms at hand...meaning the inherent structure of the rock is of far more fundamental importance than what's on or in it. That's why us suckers buy it. :)

I'd also be interested to hear from people who have stocked their tanks with mostly man-made (aragocrete) type "live rock" and have no sandbed. Do they have denitrification issues?
G-money said:
...meaning the inherent structure of the rock is of far more fundamental importance than what's on or in it.

I don't mean to include bacteria in the "what's in or on it".