S.T.A.R.S Names and Faces/New Members

Welcome to STARS Lisa! Hope to meet you at our next meeting! If you have any questions please post them here and we will be happy to help! :)

Steffen Sparks
Welcome to STARS Lisa! Hope to meet you at our next meeting! If you have any questions please post them here and we will be happy to help! :)

Steffen Sparks

Thank you Mr. VP. I will be looking for the date of the next meeting. I hope to meet many there.
Hello STARS! New member here! My name is Mike and I'm a born and raised El Pasoan eager to start the obsession of reef tanks! :-D I have never attempted reef tanks before but I am a veteran to freshwater tanks starting with a 2g when I was 10 to a 55g just last year. Sadly I had to move and get rid of my beautiful tank. As much as I enjoyed freshwater I am ready for the next step. I am planning on starting a 5g nano (I know, ambitious for a newbie) but after 3 months of research I am pretty confident I can pull it off. I have tons of patience and rarely travel (unfortunately) so water maintenance won't be a problem. I hope I can count on everyone for suggestions on equipment, corals, and suppliers as I go along! :)
WELCOME MIKE !!!!, 5g would be cool, but yeah ambitious to start out with, if thats what you want to do then all the help you want is here. I would say bigger would be easier but will require more equipment obviously. Let us know.
Well thanks to a friend I may end up starting with a 20g. Question though, what are thoughts on Ocean Water v. mixed salt water? Anyone?
Welcome Mike!! :wave: If your referring to the jugged ocean water, then IMO I would go with mixing your own saltwater. Buying it by the jug would get really pricey compared to buying the salt mix in dry form and mixing up what you need. Hope this helps.
oh yeah forgot about the those, not even sure if its ocean water or just pre mixed saltwater. To be successful on a 5 gallon your gonna have to have fresh top off water which might be required every day or 2 at most. and i would be doing at least 1 gallon water changes every week or 2. so your gonna need salt water set aside also.
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I already have a list of tank and supplies. Found a good nano powerhead that seems quite popular among nano reefers. Also found a good heater (heard that getting two heaters and powerheads is recommended for the TO water). Right now my challenge is finding a place to store the supplies and TO water since I live in an apartment. 18-24 months from now I should be ready to purchase a home and one of my requirements is a place for a custom, built in SWT.
What size tank are you looking to start up? I have a 10g and with doing weekly water changes, I store a 5g bucket (food grade) of freshwater for water changes and top offs under my bathroom sink with my rodi unit supplying the bucket and I make my saltwater in another bucket for water changes. It doesn't take up much space either...just a thought.
HA! That's a great idea! I don't keep anything under my bathroom sink. It hadn't even crossed my mind! I'm looking at starting a 5g. My friend might have an empty 20g laying around but won't be able to check until the weekend.
well not a waste, its a pico and challenging in itself. really cool. Anywho guys lets let this thread be for intros and photos of new members. Start new build threads or any new threads for questions and everything else. Thanks
Hi everyone. My name is Regina and I just started a RedSea Max 130D. It is about 35 gallons. I am cycling now and looking foward to some local help and would love to go to some meetings. Do you have any scheduled meetings? I am in Las Cruces. I would love to be able to pick up / trade some frags in the future.
Welcome.... we have a scheduled meeting on december 1st..... and once you are done cycling.... i should be able to frag some pieces off....