Slight Newbie Seeking Help Moving a 90 Gallon Surfline


New member
Hi, I've been in the hobby for about 2 1/2 years and thus far my only experience is a little 30 gallon cardiff bullet tank. I have no plumbing experience at all with tanks. I have the opportunity to buy a used 90 gallon surfline tank (fully stocked with corals/fish/live rock) for a good price. But I have to move it which honestly scares me. I've never taken part in any type of tank move before.

I live in Duncan (40 minutes south of Chickasha) and the driving time from the tank's current location to my house would be about 45 minutes. I'd be willing to pay for some help on this if there is anyone qualified to help me out. I don't know what a reasonable pay would be for tank moving help but I'm happy to discuss that too.

Or if you're able to help and aren't interested in $, I'd be happy to draft you or your family a Will or do any other type of legal help in exchange for your services on this tank move - I'm an attorney (albeit I've only been out of law school a couple years so money is tight as I'm repaying my massive student debt). My preference is a legal services for tank services exchange but if that's not interesting to someone I'm happy to talk $ also.

Thanks in advance.