Slow and Steady


New member
Well, since I started mingling with you folks again, I've really had the itch to get going again. This is about the second time in as many months that the itch has been back full bore.

I think I'm going to make this tank project a long term goal....I'm going to get little pieces a bit at a time, and do this completely right from the tank to the stand to the equipment to the inhabitants.

1) Tank Size: I have an empty 125 gallon that I bought from Cory Jones. It's currently posted on Craigslist for $200. I've got a couple of hits on it, but no takers. After some serious thinking, I'm not completely sure I want a tank that big. I've really been set on a 40 gallon breeder lately, but I'm not sure. It would obviously be much cheaper to maintain the 40, but I'd be back to being limited on space and inhabitants. If I keep the 125 and go with it, I'd have a 6 foot long tank. That'd be good for having multiple tangs (which I love), and give me plenty of room to aquascape, but more volume equals more and bigger equipment more rock, more inhabitants, more lights, and overall, much more cost. I also have a 55 gallon tank, but I hate the dimensions, so reusing it is out of the question. So, at this point, I'm leaning towards a 40 gallon breeder. Petco carries Aqueon 40 breeders for $110.

To be continued...........
The 125 is not drilled. I've never used it. It has set empty since I bought it. The 55 is drilled with a corner overflow. If I used the 125, I will drill it.

I moved out of the area, so you would've had a 3 hour drive or so to pick up one of my tanks :) I'm down around Carbondale now instead of Springfield.
Continuing on...

I've considered many options such as keeping the 125 as a sump/fuge, but that would make for a funny looking stand for the 40 to set on. A 30 breeder would be a good sump under a 40 breeder but that would be buying another tank, so I dunno.

I'm probably just going to think out loud in this thread for the next couple months while I try to decide what I'm going to do and if I can do it.

.....more ideas to come. Please comment on any ideas.
Well, I did a bit of a tally on what it may cost me to finish my "perfect setup". Total comes to just over $2,300 to set the tank up. I shot high on the plumbing and lumber, but not extremely. A little disheartening, but slow and steady right. First the tank, then the lumber. After that, we'll see what happens. Hopefully a raise. :)

1 40 Gallon Breeder Tank 110.00
2 Lumenarc Reflector 140.00
3 Ballast Project Box 25.00
4 36" T5 Ballast and Bulbs 120.00
5 AC Jr. or RK III and Probes 280.00
6 Geo Calcium Reactor 785.00
7 Calcium Reactor pH Meter - Included in Calc Reactor Cost
8 Calcium Reactor Valves - Included in Calc Reactor Cost
9 Protein Skimmer Impeller 60.00 Mine Exploded
10 Lumber for Stand and Canopy 100.00
11 Replacement Parts for RO/DI 100.00
12 Starboard for Substrate 75.00
13 New Heater 30.00
14 Phosban Reactor for Calcium 35.00
15 Plumbing Accessories 50.00
16 Glass Holes Overflow 75.00
17 Sump (30 Gallon Breeder?) 80.00
18 Glass Panels for Sump 20.00
19 Computer Fans for Canopy Cooling 20.00
20 Computer Fans for Sump if Needed 10.00
21 2 - American DJ Switches 60.00
22 Electrical Supplies for Stand 25.00
23 Quarantine Tank (20 Gallon) 30.00
24 Grow Out Tank (30 Breeder?) 80.00
25 Plumbing for Mixing Tubs 30.00
Obviously, out of all that, the last purchase would be the Calcium Reactor. I could dose until that point and save serious costs, especially on a smaller tank. The controller cost is for a ReefKeeper Lite with pH probe and extras. I may be able to get what I need with an AC Jr. Cheaper.
Fyi Marine aquatics has 40 gallon breeders for $69.99 for bnarc members i no that is a bit far for you but worth it.
I looked into that. It'd be over 6 hours round trip. I'd lose the difference in gas.

I can get Aqueon 40 breeders locally for $110. If I were closer, I'd get one there, just not worth the time and gas money.
i just bought a 40br for 50 bucks and it has a couple of holes in the back. i am going to cycle some rock in it i think. i think the guy i bought it off of had a couple more for sale. he is in STL a little closer i will have to look back and see who i bought it off of. I am glad you are getting the itch again. get a tank set up and it will give me an excuse to come to c-dale and visit friends. and bring you frags.
Yeah. Next tank, I'll probably buy a new one instead of used.

I do want to set one up, but I'm doubting that it'll be this spring/summer.

To much money needs to be devoted elsewhere on the house and such. Once that stuff gets closer to being taken care of, I'll start piecing things together.

You don't need a reason to come hang out in Carbondale!
I hear ya i don't think i will ever buy a used tank again it just is not worth the hassle. I am having cabinet maker build me a bad *** coast to coast acrylic overflow for the 150. The plain is 150 display led lights 40 breeder sump/fuge and 40 frag tank. The led setup is going to be a little bit to build what i want a fully dimable controllable led light i priced everything at almost $1,000 but it will be much cheaper to run and maintain.I finally got my wave box built.
Yeah. I still have never touched water to that 125. I suppose since I have it, I should try to use it. I could put together a cheap setup with it that could give me my fix.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to make my next tank barebottom and use starboard to protect the bottom glass. I think it'll make for clearer water in the display. i'll probably fill the fuge with sand and rubble, but no sand in the display.

I just don't know. So many options, so little money.

I currently own a drilled 55, 2 10 gallons, a divided 29 gallon, and a 125 gallon long. I've got a dual 250 watt metal halide ballast and a dual 175 watt metal halide ballast, about 75 to 100 pounds of rock, lots of pumps, a busted RO/Di filter, a busted skimmer, and 4 buckets of salt.

$100 to fix the RO/Di, $50 to fix the skimmer, $100 or so for a stand, and I could be pretty close to back in business. Just not sure I want to rig up a tank that works instead of piecing together my idea of the perfect tank. Tough choices.
...........and cory, I read the wavebox thread. I'm thoroughly confused. That's beyond my electrical skills. I had to follow a step by step to wire the relay for my top off kit.
Ya sorry i got a little confusing for me too lol I started working on it right before i had surgery and then got all doped up and didn't make much sense and then got her figured out. When ever my power supply gets here from china i am going to make a more detailed build on it. If you no what you want you should just sell the stuff you don't need and start collecting what you want. Just run a skimmerless 29 or something take the divider out. A lot of people around here are running 10g with hang on the back filter with success. Adria has her 24g aquapod i won from the club and it is doing awesome everything is growing like weeds. There is no skimmer no carbon phosban or anything really then a filter sponge that gets cleaned maybe once a month and a water change every other month.
I'm sure you explained it well, electronics are just not my forte. When it comes to that stuff, I just have to follow instructions and hope the instructions are good.

I'm pretty ok with electricity, but electronics, not so much.
I've looked at the all in one kits too. I really like the red sea max kits, but that would still cost me $800.

Maybe a 10 or 29 gallon setup would be ok. I'd probably have to bust up some of my rock, but I have some small enough pieces to get something running. Maybe I'll play around with something this weekend.