Sump Article Part II??


New member
I see Part II of the sump article didn't make it in the Feb issue of reefkeeping. I was hoping it would be there since I'm planning a RR tank with a sump. Any idea when it will be available?? I thought part I was great (especially for those of us who haven't used a sump!!)
I'm sorry. I've been a bit overwhelmed by my duties getting the new server running, and haven't done much on Part II yet. I will do my best to get it finished by the March edition, but I can't make any promises. I have a lot of things to catch up on. (The glass on my tank hasn't been cleaned since christmas)
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I too was disappointed that Part II didn't appear in the February issue. :(

I'm looking forward to when you are able to have it published.

I really enjoyed Part I, especially about the benefits of having one including increased water stability (more :fish2: in the display tank) and hiding stuff in the sump like the heater. So much so that this is now my number one upgrade project! :bum:

Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge and experience! :)

i hope part 2 contains as much detail as you can muster making the install foolproof. trust me, this subject is most well received but i venture to suggest that the prospect of plumbing including simple pump selection makes most beginners and novices exceedingly skittish.