Tang & Wrasse Interest


Greetings forum!

I have a (Pacific) Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum) that I've cared for a while (over 4 years). She's plump, healthy, and a touch over 4 inches. I want to gauge interest for this fish. This tang is very animated and enjoys to dash across the tank and follow during feedings. She will eat pellets, nori, flake, mysis, brine, bloodworms, arctipods, Marine chips, Cyclopeeze, squid, spirulina, etc...Easy!

I would like to see her go to an individual with a larger aquarium as I believe this fish deserves it. I currently house her in my 150 gallon so preferably a 180gal or larger. I would ask $50 for this fish.

I also have a Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki) with amazing color and is also a very happy. Swims out in the open and eats most anything. I simply would like to try another wrasse. I would ask $30 for this fish.

Let me know of any interested in either of these great fish.
Tried to reply to your PM, but your box is full.

I PMed a few people in town the same time as you. Richard replied nearly instantly and I went over to his house and picked up a few frags. I'm going to watch how they respond in my new tank before I purchase more. I like all corals, from zoas and mushrooms to acros. I'm running 250W halide in a shallow tank, so lighting shouldn't be a problem for much of anything. We'll keep in touch for sure.