where is everyone

First time I've looked at this in months... I think you and I are the sole survivors. Haven't talked to Dwayne or Jeff in about a year or so... Still have my 210, how about you? Still at Cooper?
I would like to join this group. It would be nice to have a local reefer club. I mostly use Michigan reefers but every one lives so far away it is hard to get together to trade frags.
I live in Toledo, and am new to the hobby. Would love to be part of an active reefing community here in the glass city.

The Toledo Zoo is building a ~93,000g reef tank slated to open in 2015. I have a few friends who are on the board and could get a "behind the scenes" tour together if more are interested. We could meet the gentleman in charge of stocking the tank full of corals, he apparently frags and grows the corals himself and has decades of experience (from what i hear).

Let me know!
Doing great Ron, still at the fire department for another 5 years or so, I have to be out early in 2019. Finished 29 years last week and have been super busy. The tank is really showing it. I've always had some short tight growing caulerpa that usually I couldn't find. In fact for a long time I thought it was gone, cleaned out by my tangs, but a few months ago it exploded. Nothing new in the tank other than a couple second hand fish a couple years ago... Now I've got a true battle and I'm thinking I may have to tear everything down and start fresh... there is no way I'll every pull it all out. I take a half gallon container of it out and it doesn't look like I've done anything!

I'm getting tired of a $200+ electric bill every month, and that's with LEDs, and fairly efficient pumps! Almost thinking of going backward to a tricked out 120 and maybe a couple Kessils, DC pumps, etc...

Everyone else... NORA has been inactive for 2 or 3 years now. There were a couple meetings a few years ago, even talk and planning to have a full blown swap, but largely it was a forum club started here in Findlay. A few of us like zaireguy, myself and a handful of others were closer face to face acquaintances, or friends that might have a beer together every now and then. There has been talk by a couple of people about reviving it but really nothing has happened... Not saying it couldn't, but a lot of the people who were active here were from Toledo and have since aligned themselves with the TRAC forum ( traccentral.org ). TRAC does have meetings through the fall and winter and there are some knowledgeable people there. They are freshwater too which I really have no interest at all at this point. TRAC occasionally organizes a zoo tour, but all that is on hold with the construction project. Thurman is likely who you're thinking of siliconinja, I haven't talked to him in a long time, but if you ever get a chance to buy from him he has super nice livestock.

Hi guys,
It's good to see you both still reefing. I got out over 2 years ago; it just became too much of a chore. I sold almost everything I had to a guy from Lima. I had kept a saltwater tank for over 20 years before I sold my 75 reef, and a lot of friends and family still can't believe I haven't got back in the hobby.

Tim and Ron, keep on reefin'. Who knows, maybe somewhere down the road I will get the itch to get a tank and I'll buy a few frags from you guys.


The new NORA forum is now up and running..... www.norareef.com I would like to try and get something more formal started beyond a local online presence, however this summers projects at work have been tough. Come join us, hopefully I can get something more formal running this fall/winter.
Yeah tim it can be a chore i have the 210 setting in the garge just havent moved it in yet.the 75 sump is done cycling hopefully. Next weekend i have off i will move the main tank in and start plumming
Glad your doing good retirement. Coming up soon for you man wish i was there i had 17 years in at swan before they closed