Help with Plumbing Pic attached

10" Red Devil

New member
Hello please help me with a plumbing issue. I decided to do a external durso style overflow. Anyway the Blukhead is 1" and all the pvc with the exception of union pvc that connects the cap to the T and T to the bulkhead is 3/4" Inside.

Anyway my problem is that every 30 seconds are no I get this horrible gurgle sound.

I have tried messing with the maxi-jet venturi I have setup on top of the tank but to no avail. It isnt glued into the hole, but it is snug.

Also the return pump is the VIA Aqua 1300 370gph of flow and it has a little over 3 feet head pressure.

Did I screw up. Do I need a smaller pump maybe or a ball valve to cut back the flow a little?

This is a 20long. I am relying on 2 modded maxi-jets for flow. Just need the pump to get water from the sump to the tank.

Here is a pic:

You might need an even larger hole for the air.

Also, it looks like you used the slip bulkheads... if so, next time use threaded.

I couldnt get ahold of the threaded.

So you think Im not letting enough air in? Ive got that venturi valve on there I guess I will try opening it up all the way.

this should fix you problem ,,increase the pipe size since you already have the 1 inch bulckhead there ,,i would say 1.25 inch dia. pvc would work ,,the next time i would drill the whole lower for the overflow if you do it like that to get better water presure going down into the hole ,,just go to pipe size 1.25 and it will work better
The problem that I see is that the elbow inside the tank need's to be pointing downward inside the tank. The whole point of a Durso style overflow is to control the amount of air that mix is with the water going through it. With the elbow pointing upward it's allowing the overflow to suck in too much air.

Also as sm fragman stated the pipe diameter is supposed to reduce at the bulkhead. (1.25" elbow into an 1" bulkhead) But I'm not sure if that still applys when you have it mounted like this. And it look's like you have an reduction ware the vinyl tubing is attached.

trust me going to 1.25 will work i made the same mistake on my 90 gallon ,,i will never do a overflow like that agian,,went with normal overflow on my new tank
You need to adjust the air flow. Get a piece of airline nd jam it in that hole. Slowly work it in utill the noise stops. That fact that it happens every 30 seconds means you are close. You just need to adjust it a little.

Also, it looks like you used the slip bulkheads... if so, next time use threaded

Matter of opinion, and yes increase your airhole size. Try taking off the air valve and run it with just tubing in the hole. That proved to be the right size for me.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6494169#post6494169 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kakan
The problem that I see is that the elbow inside the tank need's to be pointing downward inside the tank. The whole point of a Durso style overflow is to control the amount of air that mix is with the water going through it. With the elbow pointing upward it's allowing the overflow to suck in too much air.

Also as sm fragman stated the pipe diameter is supposed to reduce at the bulkhead. (1.25" elbow into an 1" bulkhead) But I'm not sure if that still applys when you have it mounted like this. And it look's like you have an reduction ware the vinyl tubing is attached.


Well the only problem with this is that my tank level will be awkwardly low.

I was following this design:

The external overflow.

Also it is still making the gurgling sound every now and then but no longer every thirty seconds with the air valve removed and just the bare hole. Does this indicate that I need to make the hole even larger or is my plumbing screwed up and I need to buy all new plumbing and a bulk head :/
Chances are, you still need a little more air, I've seen many that required a slight drilling of the air hole to allow more air. I would go just barely larger than what you have, wait a while, take a little at a time, until the gurgling stops. If you go too large, it's no problem, just dab a bit of silicone over the hole, and make the hole smaller again. Many have done this. The hole on my overflow in a 1" bulkhead with 1 1/4" pipe ended up being about 3/16" to 1/4" in diameter. The other safe method is to overdrill the hole, tap the hole with new threads for a larger air valve, instal the new larger air valve, and adjust.
