Holy Grail Fish

Also, YOU'RE getting blind.

Saw it, just chose to cut Rob some slack and figured it was an autocorrect or something.

They say dogs get mean when they're old and blind. I guess the same goes for cougars... ;)
I see Clarion angels are available again (doesn't happen often). $4000 is all you need.
So, the most I've spent on a fish is $100... I think I'd go higher for the right fish... I can't envision ever spending $4K on a fish, no matter how much money I had... Definitely willing to pay more for a coral than a fish...
Agreed. At least with a coral you can eventually frag it and make some of the money back.

I can't exactly produce a new fish from a fin clip.
Oh, I'm not saying I COULDN'T do it. I'm sure if I were given the right tools I could probably accomplish it. hah hah. Heck, I clone stuff all the time...just not usually animals.
Oh, I'm not saying I COULDN'T do it. I'm sure if I were given the right tools I could probably accomplish it. hah hah. Heck, I clone stuff all the time...just not usually animals.

Let Mel have a free hand and in no time we'll be adding Blinky to our tanks here locally.
Yeah but which one is the third eye? The middle one? The right one?

How do you know you're stabbing the correct eye?
Good grief, Matt! A 14" damsel would kill anything else in the tank, easily. Hah hah.

Do they stay orange like that? Or brown out like a bunch of the other colorful ones?
Hah, yes, I think it would have to be the only fish in the tank, or at least only be kept with other big fish (horn sharks?!). It'll have to be a big tank :)

The Garibaldi damsels do lose their blue spots as they age, but they stay bright orange even when they are mature--really cool for a damsel.

Mel, when you get done cloning everyone a $4K 3-eyed angle fish, you have to do something to keep the Garibaldi small and with blue spots (induced neoteny?). Donny would also like you to make him a small shark.

Anemone and fish look great Randy!
That is really cool.

Man, I would love to be able to genetically miniaturize fish. You know how much I love tiny fish. Could you imagine if I could make any fish stay small.

OMG, I could make even smaller gobies. Oh the possibilities.