New Members and Introductions

right now it isn,t much to look at just about 80 lbs of rock some live some just regular fish tank rock for filler and a few fish oh yeah and 1 mushroom colony. will post some as it goes. nt sure what to keep exactly like I said I am new to corals so I need to do a little research.

Welcome to NVR. If you have any questions about corals etc.. feel free to post in the forum.
Hello all, my name is Adan and i am new to this forum and new to salt water aquariums. ive spent some time doing some research and ive had my 55gal FOWLR set up for 2 weeks. its only got about 15 lbs of live rock right now (plan on adding more) some crushed coral and some lava rock.

i am from stockton CA and i just recently heard about the NVR. actually i heard about it last night from a guy i bought a light fixture from.

my plans for now are just to have a FOWLR set up and well established for a some time while i can do more research and prepare myself for corals..

ive seen some Beautiful tanks set up and that what im aiming for. i bought this 55 gal so i can get some experience with salt water under my belt but hopefully once i feel comfortable enough ill move up to a 180 gal.

like i said i am a newbie, so i know pretty much nothing of the types of corals :rolleyes:, but i am eager to learn!

the one piece of advise i get from everyone is not to rush things. and i cant lie, i am impulsive and i cant wait!!! but i will.

i would love to become a member of the NVR, but i dont know how? and i dont know if i can because i have no knowledge of corals or anything. :sad2:

my sisters boyfriend is getting ready to set up his 180 gal so we are both addicted to this right now. he helps me out and i help him out. so he would like to become a member as well. what to do?

any advise is apreciated.. thank you !!

Welcome aboard. If you registered on our site ( then congrats... you're a NVR member :)
Unfortunately for those of you who are just getting involved with the club not much is happening this year, at least nothing is planned or being planned since everyone who was previously running the club stepped down and nobody would step in to take over.

No current contributing (read: paid) memberships are being accepted for the same reason.
A lot of new members! Welcome to NVR. Hopefully with some of the new attention to the club maybe someone will grab the reigns and bring NVR back to life. ;)

I like Jakes quote "never say die!"
A lot of new members! Welcome to NVR. Hopefully with some of the new attention to the club maybe someone will grab the reigns and bring NVR back to life. ;)

I like Jakes quote "never say die!"

The quote is from Old Rasputin... well, that's where I got it from anyway :)
Hello everyone.

I own a 100 gallon Saltwater tank and a 50 gallon fresh water tank. I have had a fish only salt water tank for years now and I am in the process of converting it to a fish + reef tank. I'm on the road right now but boredom got the best of me and I decided to post an introduction. I've researched a few reef clubs in the central valley and I figured joining one would increase my success rates / money savings.

Thus far the only two fish I own which might pose a problem to a reef are the Potters Angel and the N. Trigger. So far they ahven't pestered anything I have put in so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Here is a complete list of what I currently have in my tank:

Potters Angel
N. Trigger
Maroon Clown

Cleaner Shrimp
Blue Legged Hermits x 15 (tiny)
Red Legged Hermit x 2 (medium)

Frogspawn (6 branches)

Digi Monti Frag (Orange)
Maybe a Steve Elias Stag Frag x 2 (not sure I believe the guy but they were cheap)
Miscl Acropora Frag

Soft Coral:
Mscl Leather Coral
Hairy Mushroom (Brown with green tips)
Hairy Mushroom (White with brown tips)

Various Live rock pieces I'll be using for aquascaping soon. I dont really care for the big "pile" look in my tank so I purchased some acrylic rods and will be creating a neat little design when I can find some mroe suitable live rock to use.

I need to get the digital camera charged up and take some pictures for you all to see. Likely get that done Monday night since this weekend is booked.

I have the following equipment for the tank right now:

Fluval Filter (under the tank)
Power head with phos filter and carbon filter
koralia Turbo Pump
Water Skimmer which hangs off the back of the tank
T12 + T8 lighting

I am saving my pennies to I can upgrade the lighting to a T5 setup. Any suggestions would be welcome in regards to a cheap T5 setup for my 100 gal. it is approx 5ft long so I am planning on getting a 48" x 4 setup. I also plan on building or purchasing a "sump" / refugium setup for the tank which will be located in the cabinet beneath it. I would like to have this lighted with some type of sea grass and copepods etc living in it.

Anyhow, glad to have found the forums. :dance: I'll be around
Welcome Ben! The Lodi contingent is growing. A sump will make your life a lot easier.

We would love to see pictures when you get a chance.
Hi Ben, and welcome. Sounds like you have a nice start on your reef. Regarding the T5 setup, I would recommend to stick with name brands and just keep your eyes peeled for any sales/promotions etc... If you don't mind buying used it's a buyer's market right now you just have to be patient and wait for the right setup to pop up on the buy/sell forum.
Hello all, my name is Vince and I am very new to this addicting hobby. I have been keeping fish for almost ten years, from basic goldfish to arowana, to frontosa and large colony of tropheus. I just feel like it is time for me to explore something new and different. So here I am, a proud new owner of a 90g bowfront salt water tank.

Currently all i have in my tank are live rocks, two clown fish, lionfish, and a foxface. I would like to meet some local guys with frags that they want to sale to get my tank up and going.

Any input and advice are all welcome. Vince

Hi Vince. Welcome to the addiction of saltwater!

If you're looking for frags etc... feel free to start a new post. This one is stuck at the top up here and sometimes get's over-looked. Make sure to post some details about your tank like lighting and flow so other members can suggest which corals will do best for ya.
Hi guys!

My name is Myra and im new to the hobby! i just started here at reef central and i started up my 29g oceanic biocube about 8 months ago!
Hi Myra! Fresno is a bit down south but more towards my way. Welcome to the NVR forum. If you have any questions go ahead and ask. 29g bio cubes are awesome by the way :)
Hi Myra welcome to NVR and like ryan said if you have any questions go ahead and ask. and i see a bigger tank in your future
Thanks for the welcome guys! Everyone here is so nice! =)

I do plan on getting a bigger tank in the future but for some reason im such a nano fan! and being my size... i don't think i will be able to handle a larger tank, i will need a 2nd hand to help me out and i don't have that extra help for setup and what not! i can barley handle my nano lol!
Hey everyone, decided I should go about introducing myself. The names Patrick. I've been reading around on here, CVR, and many other sites for a while now, and thought I'd go about joining up. I've got a Biocube 29 that I started around the last week or so of August. I don't have any recent pictures of it yet, but I just got a new lens for the camera as well as an assortment of filters so I'll be getting around to taking some new pictures pretty soon.

I've always been interested in marine biology, but ended up going into IT instead. I'm a certified PADI open water diver and I've done a lot of maritime work in the delta and SF Bay. I've always wanted a saltwater aquarium, but it was my girlfriend who finally pushed us into it. I'm glad she did. Although I already wouldn't mind a bigger tank. Uhoh!
Welcome Patrick! I seen you on CVR here and there. Where do you live? Bio cubes are awesome tank but I see you mentioned already going bigger lol. Nice!!! Welcome to NVR and if you have questions go ahead and ask. We try our hardest to answer questions as they come. Hope to see you at an event :)
I'm in Modesto. Unfortunately I can't go to a bigger tank for a little while. At the same time, it gives me time to research and prepare the setup I'd like to do. I'm hoping to make it out to Kalypso on Saturday.