SDC has CB Comets

David M

New member
AKA marine betta, C. altivelis . Anyone know where they came from or who is breeding them ? ORA ?
What is dissappointing about this is the price, $21.95 (wholesale) :( They are about 2-1/2 to 3" I am told, have not seen them. In my view they worth a lot more than that but I guess it's what the market will bear. Sort of takes the wind out of my sails, I might farm my pair out to a smaller tank and try something else.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6498504#post6498504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by David M
What is dissappointing about this is the price, $21.95 (wholesale) :( They are about 2-1/2 to 3" I am told, have not seen them. In my view they worth a lot more than that but I guess it's what the market will bear. Sort of takes the wind out of my sails, I might farm my pair out to a smaller tank and try something else.

They sell for $119 for WC in my market so they would buy them for $30-35 tops from a local breeder. Thats pretty good compared to $5 a pop for clownfish.
2-3" that fish is old. I wonder where they are coming from and if they have a large supply of them or if they are like the flames that came and went because they were part of a side project. Lets hope they are hear to stay.
$119...good lord. I sell them for half that. What are some other fish prices if you don't mind me asking?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6502045#post6502045 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rascal
$119...good lord. I sell them for half that. What are some other fish prices if you don't mind me asking?

These are some of the prices that they charge in my local market. Some are not too bad others are wildly outrageous.

$200 for a Harlequin Tusk
$69 for an Blue Assessor
$80 for a "TR" Reidi
$39.99 True Perc
$29.99 False Perc
$49.99 Black Percular
$29.99 Clarkii
$29.99 Yellow Tang (sometimes more)
$29.99 Bangai
$49.99/59.99/69.99 S/M/L Foxface
$199.99 Magnificient Foxface
$69.99 for an Xsmall Hippo Tang
$29.99 Cleaner
$49.99 Blood Shrimp

Dont get me started on corals. :)
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6502257#post6502257 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rascal
Wow. I'm in the wrong state. Do the LFS's move a lot of fish (and corals) at those prices?

We are down to one in a town of about 400,000 with a couple hundred thousand more in surrounding areas. I have to drive 30 minutes one direction and an hour the other to get some other place.

There used to be four good stores in town here but this one high priced store has put them all out of business.
Nicole, you live less than 30 minutes away from the US major importation hub for tropical fish, you can't posibly be surprised by this :D As for North Carolina, it's a matter of supply and demand. 400,000 people is a neighborhood here, barely even a small town :D Plus the "hobby" is huge here so lots of stores and hence competition :cool:

I heard years back that the hobby was expensive in Raleigh/Durham also. What's the name of the store near you that put the other guys out of business. For an area with that many people it seems almost unreal that there is only one store remaining. Either that store is swamped, or Fed Ex is delivering a whole lot of mail order fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6505330#post6505330 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rascal

I heard years back that the hobby was expensive in Raleigh/Durham also. What's the name of the store near you that put the other guys out of business. For an area with that many people it seems almost unreal that there is only one store remaining. Either that store is swamped, or Fed Ex is delivering a whole lot of mail order fish.

The stores name is Aquamains. We used to have Marine Ecosystems (I worked there), A awesome Petland (used to be one of the best SW places around), and a place called Aquarium Shop (who sold out and moved to raleigh and the new owner went under). There is a new Petco here that sells really cheap fish but you gotta get them straight from the bags if you want them to live. :rolleyes:

Chad at Reefscience has put a real hurting on them for their corals. But people still come in and drop $200+ on food grade clams and $400+ on Acans.
Sorry to tell you but i think they got the wrong info...

The only people capable of doing that are not raising any, ORA( see Douglas post) Proaquatix is not, TMC does not and Brons Mariculture, I spoke to him Saturday.There is also the university @ Texas but they would not sell them.

I was offered TR porphyreus dottybacks the other day...
Well when he was doing it Todd, Jackie and I were raising them.

The problem at least for us it that if you did not offer live adult artemia they will not spawn, they are not hard to bring up.

I thought I had consulted with you years ago. I think I was a student at FIT back then. Seems like another lifetime. Does C-Quest even exist anymore?
Good place FIT I consider it very advanced when it comes to rasing fish. learned a lot form people from there and still are...

Last I heard Proaquatix will buy in March, technicaly it is still C-quest, don't know if they will keep the name though.
