What is everyone doing quarantine wise?


New member
I didn't get much response elsewhere so I wanted to try here as well.

Is any one doing this? Are you treating automatically or just if you see signs? What do the LFS do?
Good question. I was thinking more fish right now because I really like to success people are having and ease of the Bayer Insecticide for coral. I might start another thread later to discuss coral more in depth later.
I would say it depends upon a few different variables for me. Where did it come from? Which system is it going in? How sensitive is it? Do I feel lucky? ;)
I never QT fish. I think it's more stressful. I know there is some risk associated with it but I've never had a problem with a newly introduced fish, in all the years I've been adding fish to tanks. I see parasites being more of a problem when something bad happens to the system. I've had two ich outbreaks, total.

For example, the first ich outbreak I had was:
I was mistakenly sent 6 catalina gobies instead of 6 neon gobies. I had them and nothing to do with them so I put them in my tank (which was usually around 80 degrees). I knew the temperature was too high for them but I didn't have any place else to put them so in they went. They did fine for a couple of months. Then I forgot to turn on the air conditioner before we left one morning (it was one of those spring months where you open the windows at night and leave the AC on during the day so the house isn't SUPER hot when you get home). The tank temperature must have spiked because when I got home the house was super hot and the catalina gobies were all committing suicide. One dove into my tongue coral. One went into a powerhead. It was mayhem. Then the tank got ich from all the stress. So it was a disturbance that caused my issues, not introduction of new fish.

Like I said, I've never had problems with new fish.
I agree when it comes to ich. I am more concerned about other types of disease.

btw Mel, I watched you run a red light this morning:)
I never QT fish. I think it's more stressful. I know there is some risk associated with it but I've never had a problem with a newly introduced fish, in all the years I've been adding fish to tanks. I see parasites being more of a problem when something bad happens to the system. I've had two ich outbreaks, total.

I too have only had two ich outbreaks. Both came from a LFS... If you have the means and and proper QT system, there is no additional stress involved.. I have a 56g QT tank for fish and use my 58g system to QT corals I don't want to risk dipping... I also leave my Aquapod set up with just a bunch of zoanthids, "just in case."

I don't expect everyone to have as many tanks as I do, but disagree that it is more stressful when done properly...
That's what I mean though...I think it's rarely done properly. If done "properly" then sure it's fine but how many people actually invest in a QT tank big enough to house a tang without stressing them out more?

btw Mel, I watched you run a red light this morning:)

I don't run red lights! Which one? hah hah. Sometimes Jake drives my car and he runs red lights all the time.
That's what I mean though...I think it's rarely done properly. If done "properly" then sure it's fine but how many people actually invest in a QT tank big enough to house a tang without stressing them out more?

I don't run red lights! Which one? hah hah. Sometimes Jake drives my car and he runs red lights all the time.

Way to pass the buck!
Oh no it was you. I guess it is not technically running a red light but I'm positive it is still illegal. Maybe rob will give you the correct law.
You come to a four way red light. Take a right on Red. Bust a U turn on the side street and then take a right at the green on the side street.
Oh yeah...I totally did that the other day. It's the only time I've ever done it.

I thought to myself "F this light, I'm in a hurry" and then went through it...then I thought "why in the heck am I so impatient today?" and I watched the truck that had been sitting at the light come up behind me. So it literally didn't save me any time and just made me feel like a jerk.

But yeah, that was me. hah hah. BUSTED.
I have quarantined every single fish in my tank for a minimum of six weeks. I chose to observe them and only treated when there were symptoms. I had one case of Ich in the quarantine tank and successfully treated it with copper. I've never had any preventable disease in the display tank and credit careful quarantine for that.
Also, I don't think what I did is illegal. Maybe it's a little wrong but actually illegal? No way.
I was impressed with how easy you pulled it off.
Maybe not. I was wanting to hear from Rob. The u- turn might be or is it kinda like cutting through a parking lot instead of waiting at the light? I was told that is illegal as well.
At the risk of sounding like I do this all the time (I don't), I have a trick for cutting through gas station parking lots. I pull up to one of the pumps really quick, check the price of premium gas then go out whatever exit I want. If they pull me over, I'm just gonna say that I was checking the price of gas. But I have literally only done this a couple of times.

I'm friggin' impatient. What can I say?

Those stupid lights on Chapman kill me. There's no one there yet it turns green? There's no reason for it. It just wastes everyone's time.

Having said that, I'm learning patience and am trying to sit still at lights.
Yes both are illegal, the violation is "avoiding a traffic signal". It's really a dangerous thing because most people that are doing this are in a rush and are speeding though the parking/gas station/intersection, becoming a danger to pedestrians/motorists not aware Mr/Mrs Speedracer can't wait the 45-60 second traffic signal. Not judging you Mel, just my opinion.....PS I'm no longer in Law Enforcement, I just haven't asked for RC to delete my account so that I may create a new account. I don't want to go through the whole 50/90 rule again.
Mel, my wife gives me a hard time for being impatient in the car. The rest of the time I am extremely calm. I get in the car and have 0 tolerance. A light turning red with no one at the cross street will fire me up.

Rob, I kinda believe law enforcement is one of those jobs that stick with you even if you aren't getting paid. It's not something you just turn off. (in a good way)
I just haven't asked for RC to delete my account so that I may create a new account. I don't want to go through the whole 50/90 rule again.

You can have them change just your Username. I believe they only allow you to do it once though, so choose with care.
I made a polite request and explained the fact that I was no longer a LEO, I was told that it was too much of a data change and my request was denied.
I changed mine but it was many years ago. Hey, I thought you were on vacation the w/e.

I made a polite request and explained the fact that I was no longer a LEO, I was told that it was too much of a data change and my request was denied.