Schnitzel's Shallow Leemar 250

Schnitzel's Shallow Leemar 250

Tore my canopy apart tonight and ditched my DIY led setup. Got a smoking deal on some new Radion G3s. I got 3 right now, I'm picking up the 4th radion on sat along with a reeflink.

Little DIY radion mount.

Tank is doing a lot better lately. Growth on my SPS has taken off. I've made quite a few changes, so hopefully this works long term. Colors are really popping too. Still battling some cyano, but not as bad as it was.
Just snapped a quick iPhone pic.
Any pics from the side of the tank of the overflow? I posted a question and you seem to have what I thought I couldn't lol. Looking good. My existing tank is Radions + T5 and they work really well together!
Any pics from the side of the tank of the overflow? I posted a question and you seem to have what I thought I couldn't lol. Looking good. My existing tank is Radions + T5 and they work really well together!

Probably the best I could do for now.
Thanks that's perfect. I always thought with an external overflow you should have access to it just in case a bulkhead cracks or leaks. Any thoughts on that. That's a big tank to have to shimmy out of the way. Sorry if this is a bad vibe question, but if I every do somthing this big, I'd love to do an overflow just like yours! Thanks again:thumbsup: